Tuesday, December 5, 2006

berita - Cradle

Cradle? korang pernah dengar ni band? tahun 90an dulu.
Ala...lagu Sanubari tu la. " tak tersentuhkah sanubari mu? melihat juraian air mata ku? ". Sampai skarang sey pada aku ni lagu best giler.
Aku tahu ni band pasal tu jam tengok kat tv, dorang perform a few songs tau. Aku tengok je dorang main lagu ntah hapa title dia tapi start dia " malam ini, malam perkahwinan mu, telah ku menduga kau mencurahkan airmata, aku tak berupaya untuk bersama... "
terus besok beli siak CD dia. Tu ah then aku realise, Cradle not bad eh. Then after that dengar dorang dah break up all that, tapi the guitarist Addy ni memang famous la so slalu jugak berita dia keluar news, cuma aku tak follow up. Ni berita keluar pasal dia nak start Cradle balik, aku pun ter'excited jugak hehee. So berita ni keluar sokkabar New Paper , sokkabar Melayu pun keluar hari minggu lepas, malas lak nak scan so baca omputeh nye dah eh. Penyanyi Cradle tu tak salah aku lepas tu jadi vokalis Mantera or what la, aku tak tahu sangat. Tapi album Cradle tu, memang suara si Addy pada aku lagi sedap la dari vokalis dia.

Alternative Malay band is back, but only one former member remains
Cradle back from musical grave

IT must take some serious fan power to bring a band back from the musical dead.

Guitarist Addy is the sole survivor of Cradle.

Four-man Malay rock-alternative group Cradle split up nearly 10 years ago, but it has now been reborn.

The man behind its resurrection is Noor Addey Rasidi, better known as Addy in local music circles.

The 30-year-old guitarist with popular local band Jive Talking explained the return: 'Every time I meet a rock fan, they always call me Addy Cradle and ask why the band doesn't make a comeback.

'They haven't forgotten us and there seems to be a renewed interest in Malay rock music in Singapore.'

The band was formed in 1995 but broke up a mere two years later.

It was well known on both sides of the Causeway for being the Malay equivalent of American grunge bands back when grunge music was popular.

The group received critical praise for its debut album Gurindam Keluli (left).

Addy said he was regretful that Cradle didn't last the distance.

'Older bands like Search and Wings are still performing. I think we could have done the same,' said the father of two.

But the new Cradle won't be a regrouping of its old members.

Instead, together with album producer Nasri 'Jaybon' Osman, Addy has recruited new members, whom he declined to reveal for now.

He is the only original member in the reformed band.

So why not get the old guard back?

'They have their own lives and projects now,' he said.

The newborn Cradle will hit the recording studio next January.

Addy assured that he won't be leaving Jive Talking despite his new commitment.

'That is my bread-and-butter work. Cradle is my passion,' he said.

Addy, who sings and writes his own music, also said he would not take on the lead singer's position in Cradle.

Although he won the 2004 Anugerah Planet Muzik's Singapore's Best New Artiste award for his first solo Malay album, Rahsia (Secret), he revealed that he feels uneasy singing and playing his guitar at the same time.

He said: 'I don't enjoy it. Sometimes, at a performance, I blank out for a few minutes because I've forgotten the lyrics or the chords.'


  1. tak tahu pun aku Addy ada keluar solo album. kau ada album solo dia? maybe tak keluar di M'sia sebab aku tak tahu pun.

    anyway, ini berita bagus. mmg rindu nak dengar sound CRADLE. album dulu tu memang best... (cover kaset gambar budak kecik)

  2. lupa pulak nak tulis.

    Rudy (vokalis) memang telah join Manterra (lagi satu band yg hilang macam tu saja. sound bagus gak band ni)

    Addy juga berduet dan cipta beberapa lagu dalam album Alfira (artis alternatif rock. album dia ni pun bagus)

  3. khys
    Takde la aku album solo dia, dah memang takde pun kat kedai aku rasa. Abis2 gitu je, abis maknanya ada orang beli la so sold out kot kira. Tapi takde reprint agaknye.

    Ooo nama dia rudy ek. Mantera eh. Hilang gitu jugak eh. Wasted la eh. Eh website ko cepat buat ah..nampak cam best.
