Friday, December 22, 2006

so close.. yet so far away

Korang pernah tak? teringin sesuatu dah 23 tahun, doploh tiga tahun, dari korang sekolah rendah time kecik2, sampai dah berdozen dozen umur, korang nak tapi tahu mustahil,..dan tiba2 yang diingini tu nak melintas paling dekat ngan korang dalam sejarah, takkan berulang lagi, tapi korang fikir dan fikir then think dua tiga kali, then korang tahu, well... tak bleh la, then korang air mata ada basah2 sikit..? sadness surrounds you at this moment at night, kul 2 pagi, semua senyap...bunyik keybod je...

Cam nak nangis aku. Aku spend the past 30 minits surf internet pegi cek tiket kapalterbang.. i just cant do it..
IRON MAIDEN nak perform kat Dubai bulan March tahun depan..
Paling dekat..takkan lagi dekat dan takkan lagi murah lagi. Takkan ada lagi.
This is the onces in a lifetime occurance yang aku ada chance untuk mampu pegi tengok dorang, tapi tiket flight je dah $1600++.
ARGGGGHH!!!!!! decisions decisions decisions, kalo start kumpul, possible kot? wakakaka. Tapi...arrgggh!!! lagi bagus beli esbok yang dua pintu..
but stranger things has happen, nengok la one or two days kasi aku fikir lagi...

now lagu sedih hall and oates " co close " ngah main kat kepala aku :

They met on the dance floor in the old high school gym
He fell like a rock
She kinda liked him
And his heart beat like thunder as they moved cross the floor
But when the music was over she slipped out the door
Yeah a man loves a woman but he can't understand
Why she's sad when she stares at the ring on her hand
Then she sits in some club where the long shadows fall
Drops a coin in the jukebox not the phone on the wall

So close
Yet so far away
We believe in tomorrow and a better day
We lie down to sleep so close
Yet so far away

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