Saturday, January 13, 2007

Dua minit ke tengah malam

" Two minutes to midnight ". Korang mesti tahu lagu Iron Maiden ni kan? Tapi mungkin tak smua tahu apa tu " Two Minutes To Midnight " sebenarnye. Buat yang tahu pun, ni ada latest news hari ni pasal perubahan ke atas " Doomsday Clock ".

Doomsday Clock ni ialah sebuah jam olok olok yang waktunye ditentukan oleh Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.
Waktu tu didekatkan ke tengahmalam atau dijauhkan dari tengahmalam ditentukan ngan keadaan keamanan dan politik dunia. Kalo mana2 negara uji bom nuclear ke, banyak sangat peperangan ke, waktu tu makin didekatkan kat tengahmalam.
Paling dekat kat midnite ialah lagi dua minit. Ini berlaku tahun 1953.
Sapa minat bleh baca ni la, latest news..
Scientists prepare to move Doomsday Clock forward 2 hours, 49 minutes ago
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The keepers of the "Doomsday Clock" plan to move its hands forward next Wednesday to reflect what they call worsening nuclear and climate threats to the world. The symbolic clock, maintained by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, currently is set at seven minutes to midnight, with midnight marking global catastrophe.
The group did not say in which direction the hands would move. But in a news release previewing an event next Wednesday, they said the change was based on "worsening nuclear, climate threats" to the world.
"The major new step reflects growing concerns about a 'Second Nuclear Age' marked by grave threats, including: nuclear ambitions in Iran and North Korea, unsecured nuclear materials in Russia and elsewhere, the continuing 'launch-ready' status of 2,000 of the 25,000 nuclear weapons held by the U.S. and Russia, escalating terrorism, and new pressure from climate change for expanded civilian nuclear power that could increase proliferation risks," the release reads.
The clock was last pushed forward by two minutes to seven minutes to midnight in 2002 amid concerns about the proliferation of nuclear, biological and other weapons and the threat of terrorism.
When it was created by the magazine's staff in 1947, it was initially set at seven minutes to midnight and has moved 17 times since then.
It was as close as two minutes to midnight in 1953 following U.S. and Soviet hydrogen bomb tests, and as far away as 17 minutes to midnight in 1991 after the superpowers reached agreement on a nuclear arms reductions.

Anyway dah terlanjur ceta pasal Doomsday Clock ni, just share kat sini artwork single Iron Maiden " two minutes to midnight " aku baru snap foto piring hitam 7 inch punye.. A bit of trivia la kat korang smua metalheads, ni single tahun 1984 ( dari album Powerslave yang memang release 1984 ), artwork dari Derek Riggs, Eddie ngah point kat kita cakap " I want You? " atau mungkin cakap " ni semua korang manusia punye pasal la hancurkan dunia, suar!! ", memang kita manusia cam siot pun.
Ada bomb nuclear ngah meletup,
Kat belakang tu ada bendera2 negara2
Soviet Union ( waktu tu negara ni masih bersatu kan sebelum pecah belah ), waktu tu USSR tengah melanggar
Iran dan Iraq waktu tu tengah perang sesama sendiri.. ( ni aku cakap waktu tu ialah waktu artwork ni dilukis 1984 )
Great Britain ngan Argentina waktu tu ngah Falkland War dan bendera Amerika, Israel dan Cuba.
Sedih lak, tak ubah2 negara2 zaman tu sampai skarang always sama je yang huru hara.
Single ni jugak yang kat belakang dia ada gambar Maiden tak pakai baju , mata kena ikat, cam nak kena tembak...I love this photo. Ross Halfin kameraman dia.

Thats about it la hehehe....

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