Thursday, March 22, 2007

Be Quick Or Be Dead

fast game punye update kejap.. Happy and sad news.

1) Is Heaven And Hell coming soon?
Tu hari aku dengar ceta kawan aku cakap Ronnie James Dio nak datang Spore, so aku just assume its possible with the Heaven And Hell ( Black Sabbath Dio Years ) nye line up. Kadang2 rumours dan berita2 angin gini betul, cam tu hari cakap Slayer & Loudness tapi at last Slayer je sampai.
So then aku gi lauretta Allabon nye website, dia punye myspace tengah buat poll Heaven And Hell. Aku got a feeling, Heaven And Hell is coming, pasal myspace LAMC Productions ngah main lagu Sign of the Southern Cross.. \m/
Gi sini dan vote ...;jsessionid=3E4E47A3C6AF42ADC3384322B39A85B7?s=xhX7VQVYL1wwVL85Vw&t=/contentManager/selectCatalog&i=1098152946568&b=1098152946568&l=0&e=UTF-8&ParentID=1161654281415&intro=1&CustomerID=0&startRow=0&active=no

Ni current setlist untuk opening shows kat Kanada skarang.
'After All (The Dead)',
'The Mob Rules',
'Children Of The Sea',
'Lady Evil',
'Ear In The Wall',
'The Sign Of The Southern Cross',
'The Devil Cried',
Vinny Appice Solo,
'Computer God',
'Falling Off The Edge Of The World',
'Shadow of The Wind',
'Die Young',
'Heaven & Hell.
'Lonely Is The Word',
'Neon Knights'.

Smua dari album2 Heaven & Hell, Mob Rules dan Dehumanizer plus tiga lagu baru.
Mau nangis siot kalo dapat nengok ni line up live, ( maybe teardrops wa fall masa Children Of The Sea, hohoho! ) aku rasa front row tickets la kena tangkap muahahahaha. Start, just in case dorang betul2 datang.

2) Setlist Maiden baru..
Tu hari 17/3, Maiden kat India, aku tak boleh nak masuk sey website2 Maiden pasal smua tengah tunjuk2 dan cerita2 pasal the historic visit of Maiden gi India, takpe sapa tau ada rezeki lain kali bleh nengok Maiden somewhere out there, tapi tak dapat pun takpe, ni benda2 duniawi je kan, sigh. Anyway ni setlist baru dorang untuk empat shows bulan March ni. Lepas ni rest sampai June nanti baru sambung European festivals.
1. Different World
2. These Colours Don't Run
3. Brighter Than A Thousand Suns
4. Wrathchild
5. The Trooper
6. The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg
7. For The Greater Good of God
8. The Number of The Beast
9. Fear of The Dark
10. Run To The Hills
11. Iron Maiden
----- Encores: -----
12. 2 Minutes To Midnight
13. The Evil That Men Do
14. Hallowed Be Thy Name

Anyway, untuk Athens nye gig, apa aku dengar, Bruce Dickinson nyanyi " Alexander The Great " nye korus dua kali, satu masa intro Run To The Hills, ngan lagi satu masa break between songs.

3) Deep Purple nye setlist baru untuk present tour, ntah apsal ni tour " Rapture Of The Deep " belum sampai Singapore ke Malaysia? Padahal last three worlds tours sampai sini?

Pictures Of Home
Things I Never Said
The Battle Rages On
Strange Kind Of A Woman
Rapture Of The Deep
Wrong Man
Steve Morse Solo
The Well Dressed Guitar
When A Blind Man Cries
Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye
Don Airey Solo
Perfect Strangers
Space Truckin’
Highway Star
Smoke On The Water

Hush (with Ian Paice solo)
Black Night
In the “options list” were “Into The Fire”, “Ted The Mechanic” and “Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming”, but they weren’t played at this gig.

4) 25th Anniversary Randy Rhoads meninggal dunia.
Dari 1982 eh dia dah takde.
Blizzard Of Ozz , Diary Of A Madman & Tribute. Ni tiga album Randy Rhoads ngan Ozzy Osbourne ialah lagu2 yang aku grow up with dari kecik sampai skarang dah tua...
Dari zaman kaset masuk zaman cd masuk zaman mp3.
Apa kabar eh si mak Randy Rhoads ni, Delores Rhoads? ntah hidup lagi kot? tapi mesti dah tua sangat la eh...

Goodbye To Romance

Yesterday has been and gone
Tomorrow will I find the sun
Or will it rain?
Everybody's having fun
Except me I'm the lonely one
I live in shame

I said Goodbye to romance, Yeah!
Goodbye to friends, I'll tell ya!!
Goodbye to all the past
I guess that we'll meet,
We'll meet in the end

I've been the king, I've been the clown
Now broken wings can't hold me down
I'm free again
The jester with the broken crown
It's won't be me this time around
To love in vain

I said Goodbye to romance, Yeah!
Goodbye to friends, I tell ya!!
Goodbye to all the past
I guess that we'll meet,
We'll meet in the end

And I feel the time is right
Although I know that you just might
Say to me
Whatcha gonna do
Whatcha gonna do

'Cause I have to take this chance
Goodbye to friends and too romance
And to all of you
And to all of you
Come on now!!!!


I said Goodbye to romance, yeah!
Goodbye to friends, I tell ya!!
Goodbye to all the past
I guess that we'll meet,
We'll meet in the end

And the weather's looking fine
And I think the sun will shine again
And I feel I've cleared my mind
All the past is left behind again

I said Goodbye to romance, yeah!
Goodbye to friends, I tell ya!!
Goodbye to all the past
I guess that we'll meet,
We'll meet in the end.

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