Wednesday, November 21, 2007

my maiden - autographed framed x-factor artwork

Tadi bongkar2 bilik kat rumah parents, terjumpa balik satu benda yang ada sentimental value untuk aku. Yang aku memang sembunyikkan bawah katil. Ye la, kalo display terang2 ada orang cakap Malaikat tak masuk kot. So teringin lak nak buat ni posting.

Kat luar sana mesti ada ramai peminat Iron Maiden ye. Mungkin ada yang collector.
Pelan2 aku ceta kat sini koleksi Maiden aku. Aku tak mulakan ngan album, single, boxset, cd, vinyl, buku, majalah atau kaset tapi aku mulakan ngan ceta pasal autograf artwork Maiden untuk album X Factor yang aku ada.

Maiden in 1995 - Blaze Bailey / Dave Murray / Janick Gers / Steve Harris / Nicko McBrain

Korang yang pernah dengar album X-Factor ni keluar tahun 1995, tahu ni album pertama lepas Bruce Dickinson keluar dari Maiden ( rejoin 1999 ), album pertama lepas Steve Harris go thru his family problems ngan bekas isteri dia. Zaman Iron Maiden ngah betul2 nye problematic. Jadi tak terkejut kalo album ni sangat gelap, album yang lirik dia pada aku banyak sangat kedukaan, kehampaan, kesunyian, kesedihan dan kesusahan. Aku bleh relate ngan album ni haha.
Nanti lain kali wa nak buat review ni era X Factor. ( A Matter Of Live And Death review pun sampai skarang wa belum buat haha )

Satu hari nanti, aku harap aku dapat catalogkan balik semua harta benda yang aku ada berkenaan ngan Maiden. Ntah semua bertimbun kumpul habuk kat rumah parents aku. Sayang semua kaset aku dah buang bila aku masuk era digital haha, kalo tahu aku simpan.

Nanti pelan2 wa catalogkan, wa tampal kat sini jugak buat reference kita semua dan mungkin Maiden fans worldwide yang buat web search.

Anyway, these above two photos comes from the Autographed Framed X-Factor Artwork which was the prize for a Maiden contest organised by BIG-O Magazine and EMI Records back in 1995 in Singapore, to celebrate the release of the X-Factor album. Yours truly was one of the contest winner.

The plastic covering the frame remains intact for what is now 12 over years. I believe, this specific autographed item was also given out to fans all over the world because I remembered someone asking about its value on the fanclub forum. I doubt Maiden members then really sign on that specific artwork paper. It should be a print from an original but I could be wrong.

From memory, I have somewhere in my collection the following rare items related to the X-Factor era besides this autographed framed artwork.
- The X Factor Japanese Double CD ( out of print ), for the Maiden collectors, this Japan release is very special because its the only release where you can find the song " I Live My Way " on cd format. If my memory serves me right, this was actually a Bside to the Man On The Edge vinyl format single.
- The normal X Factor release on cd , of course.
- The Man On The Edge cd single part 1 which comes in a deluxe box with the band members postcards and mine got Blaze Bailey's signatures on it.
- The Lord Of The Flies cd single which I remembered an Argentinian fan sent me when I was crazy about doing trades many years ago.
I think I will make photos of all the X Factor related releases I have and post them with a proper review of the songs and infos back then, if I got time.

If this world makes you crazy
and you take in all you can bare
You call me up- because you know I'll be there

And I see your true colors, shining through
I see your true colors and that's why i love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors, true colors
Are beautiful, like a rainbow \m/ \m/ \m/

- Cindy Lauper' True Colors


  1. Puh.... hebat jugak koleksi kau ni eh.
    Koleksi box set selain IM apa yg ko ada eh?

  2. box set? tak la aku tak beli mana2 box set band lain, kalo beli ori pun aku beli satu2.
    Kecuali Maiden aku pelan2 kumpul bila mampu, tapi Maiden pun kalo nak panggil boxset apa yang ada eh? bleh jadi
    -"Eddie's Skull" yang dalam ada 13cd remastered tu,
    -"Eddie's Casket" yang kotak besi tu dalam siap ada cincin semua, dan jugak
    -" 1st Ten Years " 10cd special releases. Ni semua aku ada ler, cuma yang 1st Ten Years tu aku takde kotak kadbod dia nak letak 10 cd yang semua kena carik berasingan.
    Nanti aku taruk sini ler lain kali..
