Friday, November 30, 2007

ROTTW mag ( cover Queen in Drag )

Semalam aku beli ROTTW yang kulit depan gambo kumpulan Queen pakai drag ( foto dari I Want To Break Free nye mtv promo ). November issue 2007.

So apsal aku beli? ni pasal aku beli ek...tadi aku baru lepas go thru page by page.
i) In detail Queen nye story.. - Aku carik jugak, Freddie Mercury nye very final video shot ada sebut ke tak? muzik video " These Are The Days Of Our Lives ", his very last recording on video was yang last part tu dia whisper depan camera " I Still Love You." Aku suak siak ni lagu, makin tua, makin meaningful lirik lagu ni hehe.

ii) Lagi satu, si Brian May ni kan ( gitaris Queen ), dekni pun satu nye kaki belit la.. Pasal dulu kan, masa release album Innuendo , dia sua kena interview kat radio FM98.7 or was it 90.5FM Rock One One? dah lupa stesen hahaha ( by the great rock dj Ann Neo ), dan dia sua kena tanya soalan " so when is Queen coming to Singapore? ", Brian May cakap " in the future bla bla bla ", padahal dia tahu Freddie Mercury dah kena Aids dah berapa tahun kot. Dia tahu its not going to happen hehe. Masa Freddie Mercury meninggal, Ann Neo pun cakap the same thing la.

iii) Four pages of Megadeth / Heaven & Hell nye gig review kat Fort Canning tu hari. Anyway, ermmmm... sorry ek...hehehe.. Its Mechanix kan? pasal tu malam wa dengar liriks konpem bukan Metallica nye Four Horsemen. Anyway maybe typo error kat setlist.

iv) Dream Theater artikels, Mpire ngan Foo Fighter nye reviews.. cam biasa, some pages aku skip. Tapi ooo ada poster Bruce Springsteen, dekninye latest cd korang try cek it out, dia sua main those folky American songs with some oldies bands gitu, traditional music, musicians gitu. Aku tak tahu cammana nak describe, tapi those 'berhantu2' nye. Power jugak.

v) I like the Metallica's 15 songs review or something tu. Boleh nampak a lot of effort was put in. Bukan any direct translation dari mana2 satu sumber.
Anyway, liriks tu up to intepretation of each person, tapi Master Of Puppets, memang clear cut ada reference drug, " Chopped Your Breakfast On A Mirror ". Ala, kalo korang nengok ceta omputeh, dia keluarkan heroin bentuk powder tu kena potong2 ngan razor blade atas cermin gitu hehehe. Best ever scene pasal ni aku kena pilih Uma Thurman ngan John Travolta kat pilem " Pulp Fiction ". Still one of the best movies ever pada aku.
Sorry ni bukan nak glamourise drugs - Abuse drugs tu haram, abuse drug kills and hancurkan loves ones dan masyarakat ( termasuk steam gam ). Trust me on this. Ni aku cakap as in reference to a lirik aku suka je.

So please support your local rock magazines and writers. Nak2 kalo tulis melayu, market kecik wei.

Anyway, magazine yang aku nak konpem cek it out soon ialah Rolling Stones ni bulan, LED ZEPPELIN special. Aku nak baca pasal Jason Bonham ( anak john bonham ) banyak story dorang nye secret rehearsal.


  1. Belit2 Brian May ni skrg dia dah jadi Chancellor kat Liverpool University tau. Hahhahahah!

  2. thanks for reading my work @ ROTTW.

