Tuesday, January 15, 2008

live review- my memories of Dream Theater' 20th Anniversary Tour 27 Jan 2006

Yours truly not going to see Dream Theater this Thursday. Asyik hiburan je, seram jugak aku, kwang kwang kwang.
Rasa aku dorang mesti main lagu Forsaken eh? Lagu yang macam ditulis khas buat aku suatu masa dahulu, chewah! hahaha.
Anyway, Yours truly nak reminisce sikit the last tour yours truly tengok Dream Theater kat Indoor Stadium.

Tshirt dia

This is the show yang buat aku make up aku nye mind, unless really best, aku akan skip setiap rock show yang buat kat Indoor Stadium. Cam siot, dari security screening, sampai sitting arrangement ( the peasant seats are so horribly far from stage ), dan jugak pasal tempat gitu mesti mahal ler tiket, so bila staggered prices, memang susah nak mampu the best front portion ler.

Anyway, ni dia setlist..

Dream Theater - an evening with.. 20th Anniversary Tour 2005/2006 Singapore Indoor Stadium 27 January 2006

1. The Root of All Evil "8:45 mins - Octavarium 2005
2. Panic Attack "7:11 mins - Octavarium 2005
3. A Fortune in Lies "5:15 mins - When Dream and Day Unite 1989
4. Under a Glass Moon "8:18 mins - Images and Words 1992
5. Lie "6:54 mins - Awake 1994
6. Peruvian Skies/Wherever I May Roam "10:37 mins - Falling Into Infinity 1997
7. Strange Deja Vu "5:14 mins - Scenes From a Memory 1999
8. Through My Words "1:08 mins - Scenes From a Memory 1999/
9. Fatal Tragedy "6:48 mins - Scenes From a Memory 1999
10. Solitary Shell "5:29 mins - Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence 2002
11. About To Crash (reprise) "4:15 mins - Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence 2002
12. Losing Time / Grand Finale "5:35 mins - Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence 2002
- 15 minutes intermission -
13. As I Am "7:27 mins - Train of Thought 2003
14. Endless Sacrifice "10mins aprox. - Train of Thought 2003
15. I Walk Beside You "4:59 mins - Octavarium 2005
16. Sacrified Sons "10:38 mins - Octavarium 2005
17. Octavarium "28:43 mins- Octavarium 2005
- encore -
18. The Spirit Carries On "9:41 mins - Scenes From a Memory 1999
19. Pull Me Under "5:25 mins - Images and Words 1992/
20. Metropolis Part 1 "10:00 mins - Images and Words 1992

Tiga jam. Timing dia aku tahu pasal aku rekod kat minidisc aku hehe. Saje simpan buat kenangan.

Memang best.

Tapi paling unusual is kat belakang tshirt tour, dorang misspell Hong Kong, jadi Honk Kong hehe, also Indon dorang kensel, pasal tu jam Indon ngah kecoh kot, anyway ni tour pun DT skip indon lagik. Check this out.

( korang nampak Iron Maiden's The Number Of The Beast tapi version Dream Theater tu? ah tu nanti aku review k bila ada time kejap lagi hehe )

Anyway..long distance dedication kejap..ekeke..

There's a story in your eyes
I can see the hurt behind your smile
For every sign I recognize
Another one escapes me

Let me know what plagues your mind
Let me be the one to know you best
Be the one to hold you up
When you feel like you're sinking

Tell me once again
What's beneath the pain you're feeling
Don't abandon me
Or think you can't be saved

I walk beside you
Wherever you are
Whatever it takes
No matter how far

Through all that may come
And all that may go
I walk beside you
I walk beside you


  1. aik? kata tak nak pergi sebab dah nengok ahhahah...

    Aku pun menunggu 28jan ni depa nak main kat sini. An evening with Dream Theater... macam lounge punya session pulak hahaah...

  2. tak, aku tak pegi, tu 2006 nye tour.

    Anyway, apa aku tahu kalo rock band kalo panggil show dorang " an evening with... " maknanya takde support act. Only dorang sorang. Ni apa aku tahu ler.
