Wednesday, January 9, 2008

review cd~ NIJI DENSETSU

This is my review and photo spread of Niji Densetsu. A special release in Japan only.

My better half cakap:
niji - rainbow, densetsu - tradition;legend;folklore.

click all photos to make larger.

A few of Japanese heavy rock/metal musicians got together in 1998 to pay tribute to Rainbow, and dedicating it to the memory of Rainbow's drummer Cozy Powell who passed away around that time.

CD ni dirakam tahun 1998 oleh berapa orang members/ex members Anthem, Earthshaker dan jugak lain2 heavy rock musicians jepun sebagai tribute untuk band rock yang gerek abis Rainbow dan ditujukan kat Cozy Powell yang tu jam baru meninggal dunia ( eksiden masa bawak kereta, dan tak salah aku dia ngah cakap kat henpon masa dia terbabas tu ). Lagi best, dorang panggil Joe Lynn Turner ( salah satu vokalis Rainbow ) dan David Rosenthal ( salah satu Rainbow keyboardists ) untuk join in dua lagu gitu.

Joe Lynn Turner and David Rosenthal appeared on two tracks each.

I still remember how tricky it was to get this cd many years back. The cheapest and fastest way possible was to order it direct from Japan and not only do I have to navigate tricky online ordering, but its a risk to order a title in Japanese language. Still got it, and really love it.

R A I N B O W - Sapa sini tak kenal Rainbow? Antara band pertama yang aku belajar dengar rock waktu campur budak2 lagi besar yang semua bawak bag grandsport time late 70s dulu kat kampung melayu/kaki bukit. Wooo tu jam cam heran sey, apa sey lagu title Temple Of The King? Man On Silver Mountain? Lelaki atas gunung? so aku cam tertarik dan start mendalami sejarah Rainbow dan kaset2 dan kemudian cd2 dorang terutama zaman Ronnie James Dio jadi penyanyi dan tu ah suka sampai sekarang band Rainbow ni. ( Aku nye all time favourite Ritchie Blackmore instrumental ialah Weiss Hemm dari Finyl Vinyl, takpe ni semua lain kali cerita ).

I cant read or speak Japanese but I guess here its saying who do what and which band they are/were from.

The track listing :
1. Over the Rainbow/Kill the King
2. Spotlight Kid
3. Eyes of the World
4. Man on the Silver Mountain/Mistreated
5. Road to Babylon/Gates of Babylon
6. All Night Long
7. Starstruck
8. Street of Dreams
9. Drinking With the Devil
10. Lost in Hollywood
11. Light in the Black
12. Over the Rainbow (Reprise)
13. Rainbow Eyes

The track listing, together with the OBI strip. Over The Rainbow ( Reprise ) is a beautiful accoustic rendition of that " somewhere over the rainbow " song, while Road To Babylon is a fantastic keyboard intro.

Tracks yang aku nak highlight
- Semua tracks yang Anthem nye vokalis tu nyanyi, bunyi pelat sikit, biasa lah jepun nye lidah, tapi tu ah unique dia. Rainbow Eyes aku dengar cam - but I rost my way, she got Lenbow Eyes je. Tak bleh sebut R kot. apa pun rock Jepun best "Long Live Wock n Woll \m/"

- Joe Lynn Turner nyanyi lagu Street Of Dreams. Korang tahu kan lagu ni famous tapi version ni sedap siot. Intro dia cam accoustic gitu. Besttt gilerrrr. Sapa tahu lagu ni, kalo dengar ni version, konpem jatuh cinta.

- Man On The Silver Mountain / Mistreated tu mistreated masuk kat tengah lepas tu sambung MOTSM balik, Mistreated ni lagu Deep Purple kan? Tapi Rainbow bawak live, so kira dah jadi lagu Rainbow jugak la kan hehehe. Lagipun Ritchie Blackmore punye jugak.

- Light In The Black ( alangkah bestnye kalo ada lagu Stargazer, tapi takpe nanti ada lagi satu live album Jepun line-up Loudness buat album Super Rock Summit , tu Stargazer ngan Light In The Black dua2 ada , fooo Akira Takasaki jadi Ritchie Blackmore kejap hoho, nanti lain kali wa review sini ), tapi apa aku nak cakap, Niji Densetsu bawak Light In The Black laju siot. Best. Tapi semua pun best.

- Kira semua lagu dorang remake best ler.
Nilai membeli - beli la buat koleksi. Takde kot kat kedai sini. Ni la leceh kadang2.

Final words, this cd is worth buying, because of its collectible value. Its interesting and you wont be dissapointed. I dont know whether its still easily available anyway.

check out the line above the photo.

till the next time,
Do you remember me on the street of dreams
Running through my memory
On the street of dreams
You are on every face I see
On the street of dreams


  1. Bro.. powerlah the way u've written. Anyway, band Helloween is coming here on 24 Feb 2008. They'll b performing @ Fort Caning @ 7pm. Yg ni ada agen2 yg kasi harga ticket lain2 mcm black sabbath. But this one is not brought by lauretta alabons productions.. Fyi, pls.
    Go to forum & look out under rockers melayu.. aku dah post poster di sana.Cheers-SC:P

  2. hip hip hooray
    hip hip hooray
    hip hip hooray
    * happy nye aku * at last *

    ( tapi adakah aku dapat pegi? )
