Monday, March 24, 2008


aku tak pernah gi nengok F1. Smalam time F1 pun, aku ngah F1 jugak tapi F1 bas express lumba2 kat NS hiway ekekeke.
Hujan wooo. Malam lagik. Berdesut bas semua.
Last2 bas aku naik rosak kat Seremban lak. :-(
Tapi abang drivers dua2 cool je.

Kalo sapa2 semalam kat tol Seremban tu ada bas rosak tepi jalan tu, tu bas aku naik ler tu. Tapi nasib baik terus ada bas lain (SKS-Seremban) berenti nak tolong, ada tempat kosong so kita tumpang. :-)

Anyway some souvenirs from F1 Sepang smalam. Ada orang dapat pegi woo :-)
Souvenir BMW Sauber nye team. Autograf pix sey..

Not bad eh dorang tahun ni, smalam Si Kubica no 2, Heidfeld no 6. Nak nengok F1 nak kasi thrill, kita mesti ada team kita sokong dan ada team kita slalu mintak2 keta dorang terbabas ke, rosak ke ( Ferrari booo ). wakaka. So ok la, this year aku sokong BMW Sauber sikit la ekeke.Ye la, sponsor pung Petronas kan :-)

Siot, aku yo yo oh, nak gi F1 bulan 9 yang racing malam nye, siot tengok tiket, forget it. Aku bukan cakap tiket regular atau high end tau, tapi tiket untuk the unwashed peasants, punye la mahal. Dah beratus dah.
Tapi dia racing kat tepi jalan pe, so cammana dia nak block semua orang takde tiket tu kan? hmmm..

Anyway should be interesting la racing malam bulan 9 ni, tu hari aku naik 133 nak gi Marina Square ( fu yo, Marina Sq lepas renovate, best siak ), nengok tepi jalan semua cam tengah preparation bulan 9 je.


  1. dep.....aku ingat hang pi F1 tu;-) Kut mana tahu jumpa pak lah katsinun (hehehehe)

    Fi Ns tu kek soromban ke?

  2. ns tu north south hiway ler ekekeke..
    antara jalanraya yang paling penting no hehehe

  3. hi, can not you would like to replace an autographed Kubica?

  4. Hi Anonymous.

    Are you wanting the photo with the autograph?

    I am sorry its so many years ago, I dont even know where the photo is.
    But you can leave an email?

  5. Hi, thanks for the reply, I would be very grateful if you found an autograph Robert :), because it is my idol :), here is my email adress
    greetings from Poland :)

  6. Give me a week ok?
    I try to search everywhere for it.
    I hope to find it and I will do my best.

  7. Ok,then wait :)how would you manage to find an autograph Nick It also would be cool :), Greet :)

  8. Sorry bro
    I cannot find it after searching.
    Sorry its been many years.

    I will email you in one or two days.

    Sorry again.

  9. Hi, pity that you did not find a card :( but thank you very much for your desire and seek :) as if you were able to find by chance but the card let me know :) Greet
