Friday, March 7, 2008

Promo Edward The Great Regal Sampler

Sambungan story mory sebahagian collection Maiden aku yang a bit rare.
Photos and short review of the very hard to find/not for sale promotional copy of - Edward The Great Regal Sampler Promo.

click all photos to enlarge. ( Background is the LAD vinyl by the way )

Clearing my belongings at my mom's place, I keep coming across some wonderful things that I have ( only today I just realised I got Powerslave on vinyl which I'd completely forgotten ) but I'd never had the opportunity to properly catalog and preserve them.
Slowly I will write about them here. And I want to create a new website for my Maiden live fans recording. Maybe I will go back to trading with worldwide fans who collect live fans treasures of videos and audios, maybe, if I got the time, and the dvdr and lossless cdr of my collection plays fine.

In late 2002, Iron Maiden released a Greatest Hits album called Edward The Great, which I cant understand why. Greatest Hits albums are for other acts which only have some nice songs and dissapear to the ground after being the flavour of the month.

Iron Maiden is different. I always believe Iron Maiden should not have a greatest hits album ( snigger ), because its an insult to these legends who constantly release quality albums for coming to three decades now. Anyway, maybe its a good way to attract new listeners to sample them and for the record company to make some money as Maiden fans will buy most things Maiden if not all.

So , I got the opportunity to get my hands on the promo.

It is a cardbox casing with the cd inside as in the photos.
The cover is nearly the same one as the actual release, but its smaller and sort of framed with two snakes at the side.

The 5 songs on this promo cd are -
The Number Of The Beast
Can I Play With Madness
The Trooper
Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter
Wicker Man

The catalogue number is EDDIE001.

Promo ni memang dah takde print dah, promo Eropah waktu Edward The Great nak keluar tahu n2002 dulu. Dan memang by right not for sale, tapi by left, mesti makin tahun, makin tinggi nilai dia bila bertukar2 tangan.
Aku tak tahu benda2 promo gini berapa banyak cetakan dia, tapi memang jutaan Maiden fans nak dapatkan promo2 gini.
Nanti lain kali, aku cerita2 lagi k. Up The Irons.

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