Wednesday, April 23, 2008

ulasan buku - Iron Maiden The Photographs by Ross Halfin

This is my review and photo snippets of the new Ross Halfin book - The Photographs Iron Maiden, which comprises Maiden photos Ross took since 1979 up till the DOD period I believe.

I really like this photo because the beaming happy faces of the fans remain the same from 1979 till 2008 and that is coming to 30 years.

Besides the National Geographic magazines which you can just marvel for hours staring at the beautiful photos, another inspiration which makes me take up photography as a fun and leisurely hobby is Ross Halfin.

You have an idea of the size of this book based on the cd casing at the corner.

I think some Maiden fans hate him, for his viscious words against Maiden, Steve Harris calls him obnoxious. But, like Rod Smallwood says in the intro to this book, Ross Halfin is one of the persons who really gets inside access to Maiden from the very beginning.

So this is my first photography book. It took me more than a year to finally able to afford this, and its worth it, lots of never seen before black&white & color photos, printed good quality paper, the book itself is huge, forewords by Rod, Steve Harris, the Classic Rock Magazine editor who I dont recall the name and an insightful writting by Ross himself.

I really like the ones with the WTC as the background.

And the best of it all, I really love the captions on some of the photos. Its hilarious and provides great info.

Some of Steve Harris photos are very very extra nice.

I think for every poll of Maiden's better video promos, Man On The Edge at the Massala desert will be right up there. I wish there were more photos of that trip here.

in conclusion, this photo book has everything, including

Lots of Eddies

Lots of sleeping

and lots of Dave Murray ( and the rest of course ).


  1. alrite la pasal kira cam banyak gambo Ross Halfin dah kumpulkan kat satu buku gitu. Aku lak memang takde What Are We Doing This For.
    Tapi Derek Riggs nye pada aku is still best Maiden related book yang aku pernah nampak atau aada. Maiden Companion yang dari itali tu aku tak pernah nampak, tapi tu lagi gempak aku rasa.

    Aku beli kat kinokuniya Spore yang kat Taka, tapi aku suruh dorang orderkan dan rezebkan.
    Kalo beli dari shelf nye, budak2 lain dah koyakkan plastik flip2 dah rosak buku.
    Aku bayar $64. Online murah, tapi postage dia yang nanti buat mahal.

  2. dep...banyak tul koleksi hang no. Beli kat mana semua tu? (hehehehe mesti selalu def gi obercea kan)....

    Dep......roti tu pakai roti biasa
    tapi sedap dep. kalau gi sini trylah datang kopicat tuh. silap ari boleh jumpa cat ruffedge sekali

  3. dod,
    tiap kali aku naik bas seberang tambak johor turun naik spore-kl tu kira gi overseas kan? so aku tiap2 minggu gi oversea la hohohoho.
    takdelah, aku cuma kumpul iron maiden je dari dulu, cuma ni dah tua, dah banyak responsibilities, aku kena pandai2 budget ler ikat perut, Maiden punye pasal hohohoho.
