Friday, May 16, 2008

Maiden Singapore? I had done my part.

So to all Iron Maiden fans, supporters, listeners, collectors and sympathisers in Singapore ( and Malaysia and Indonesia ).

I had done my part. I emailed Lauretta Alabbon LAMCProductions just now. If there is any chance Iron Maiden is coming to Singapore, it have to be 2009 when they will be going to Australia and New Zealand after recording the next album. They should still have that ED Force One after renovating it one more time next year, energy and current momentum still going for the next album.

My email is really pathetic.. I was basically on my knees begging them to consider Maiden haha. But I do give some strong points, basically highlighting how Popular Maiden is now even in the USA with CNN and Billboards magazines paying kudos to them.

So from Pasir Ris to Boon Lay, from Clementi to Yishun, from Marsiling to Haig Road and everywhere else.. Lets hope the rumours that were going around early this year about Maiden really coming to play in Singapore will come true next year.

I know there are you lot out there who have beens for a long time but just dont have the chance, it took me 25 years of dreaming and fantasising before my dreams come true to see them..
If Maiden play here, KL , Jakarta or Bangkok... you guys can bring your families along right? RIGHT 666% correct.

Ntah apa nye giler aku dah datang..Aku email company Lauretta Alabbon.
Jadi kepada peminat, mereka yang kumpul koleksi, pendengar, penyokong Iron Maiden di Singapura, Malaysia, Indonesia.. takde peluang lagi cerah selain akhir tahun 2009.

Ntah dorang baca ke tak email aku, atau golek kat lantai ketawa nengok ni selenger tulis email cakap omputeh ntah hapa hapa ntah.
Anyway, saya dah mencuba sedaya upaya k.

Pasal bukan apa, 25 tahun tunggu baru aku dapat nengok Maiden..tu pun cuma ngan isteri aku je.. Aku dah kira kira...kalo aku kumpul..aku tabung nak nengok Maiden lagi kat oversea...mustahil.. mungkin possible...tapi belanja dia banyak sangat untuk aku go thru a lot of sacrifices again...

Jadi...Iron Maiden live at Singapore Indoor Stadium? Fort Canning seems to small for them play I think.. or maybe Kuala Lumpur, or I would even settle for Jakarta or Bangkok..which I think is realistically affordable to bring my love ones along...

sigh... the extend of being a Maiden fan LOL!!


  1. buat petisyen online la... kita spread ramai2!!!


  2. either singapore or bangkok.kuala lumpur mati idup balik tak mungkin

  3. bentara
    cammana eh kalo nak galvanise peminat lagu rock untuk vote for Maiden eh...
    rasa respon mesti ramai.

  4. msian..
    Toto tu hari main kl..
    tu kira alrite pe...
    cuma aku pun baca kat lagendarock, seems bands Msia cam Lefthanded, May, lagi proper perform kat Spore dari Msia sendiri.

  5. boleh... kawan-kawan online ramai... kat forum metalterus, myspace semua... at least ribu boleh cecah la jugak...

  6. ok okla ci lmbt sikit komen sini.hehe
    thnx sbb email, ala2 mendengar suara rakyat gitu, atau luahan hati di sanubari.
    if only they would come..
    realiti itu bukannya mustahil,kan?

  7. bentara mau ribu2 boleh ah...budak2 cina..india...Maiden ni ramai peminat woo dari tua ke muda

  8. killer
    possible untuk Maiden...
    kalo lain2 semua boleh Maiden pun mesti boleh...cuma its up to them bukan up to promoters..Maiden dah big stars, dah boleh apa dorang nak..

  9. pls let this be true...i dont care if it is in Bangkok, Kl or spore .....up the irons...
