Friday, May 30, 2008

majalah guitar legends Iron Maiden Special Collector's Edn.

Majalah omputeh memang mahal, confirm budget lari,so belek2 kat kedai je, tapi kadang2, jarang2, ada satu dua majalah yang worth buying, dan worth collecting.
This is one of them ( and the other one I will review very soon :-)

This is my short review and some photos of the latest Guitar Worlds' Guitar Legends Special Collectors Edition Magazine which features only Iron Maiden. Released May 2008.

Click to enlarge the above to see the content.

Some of the writings seems to be plugged out of Mick Wall's biography and Derek Rigg's Run For Cover book but still it should make interesting reading especially the Adrian Smith and Dave Murray interview.

I have not read this magazine yet still..Just got it yesterday.

The photos here are all the first pages of different articles written on different eras and items.

The magazine is 100 pages thick...with pages 62 to 98 are transcripts of some famous Maiden songs like " Genie In A Bottle ", " Oppss I Did It Again ", " Irreplacable ", " Backstreet Boys Back Again " and " I Want to be Your Girlfriend ". Oppss! haha.
and of course those guitar advertisements that will appear in guitar magazines.

Some more snapshots..

Sorry if the photo qualities are not that good..I just use my handphone cam.

But the best interviews are the last one..

Featuring Adrian and Dave..or Dave and Adrian..but no Janick. They should include Janick...maybe next time?

So is this magazine worth getting..? I think so.

Adrian says something about the relationship between Maiden and the fans.

Actually may be its just coincidence that two of the better magazine special editions featuring Maiden should come out the same time.
I will review the next one...SOON!.


  1. nampak macam menarik le deaf.....aku try survey kat sini dulu kalau takde, ingat nak kirim ngan ko belikan issue ni.

  2. aku belum jumpa ler ijan. Majalah Guitar World kat kedai memang ada, tapi dorang nye Legend series ni memang susah nak carik. Ni aku dapat dari oversea. Tapi kalo aku nampak kat kedai , aku bilang ko eh.

  3. orait!!! ko masih ada lagi no HP aku kan?

  4. ada...of course...kat hp line msia aku
