Tuesday, June 3, 2008

majalah Billboard May 17 2008 issue

( Ada dalam 30 foto kat post kali ni, so sabar tunggu smua keluar dulu eh, tapi its gonna worth it. Click all to enlarge a bit )
This is my review and photo spread of one of the best collectible magazines featuring Maiden = Billboard May 17.
My reasons
1. It is Billboard Magazine from the US which is not exactly Maiden's territory. The magazine that charts pop songs not only have a special on Maiden, but the ultimate tribute is that this prestigious music industry magazine uses the Maiden Font.
2. On this issue, there are dozens of advertisements from different music related companies, producers, promoters from all over the world, individuals, even lawyers who work or had worked with Maiden and just looking at the ads, many of them are fantastic, not only with the designs but the words.
3. Of course, this magazine have nice interviews and reviews taken from all around the world. Its interesting to check out Bruce's fave Maiden songs.

So here it is...every single page photos, and my opinion on some of them. All photos taken by handphone.

As you can see the magazine is huge compared to a normal one.

the content page...Iron Maiden with the more " popular " acts.

so this where all the fun begins..

articles, even tour dates...

one of the first of many kick-ass thank you advertisements and tributes..

on the right is the Australian promoters thank you.

Kevin Shirley's ad
I like the way some ads mentioned by name each individual member..

I didnt say it...so I guess its the truth right?

Thats Bruce's fave songs.

EMI uses the Twikenham Stadium promo artwork. Continued World Domination siot.

These colours dont run...nice.

transport ad ni style

besar sikit

ni paling stylo, South American promoters nye. siap ngan jumlah attendance every stadium. Sold out siak semua.. giler.

I came I saw I conquered kan?

gay paree on the right

Martin Birch ad. I think he was the pivot in the early days. TNOTB will be so much different if Bruce had sung it to another producer.
And the photo on the article beside it? those are Kuwait fans. Kuwait siot!

I think these are their lawyers or something..

I like.

Wacken advertisement. Fastest sold out in history..

So this are the Hoobastank reasons huhuhu why I think this is one of the best magazine featuring Maiden ever.


  1. billboard eh
    ermm interesting
    special edition 4 maiden eh

  2. yes sir , special on Maiden..sampai font2 dia pun kena tukar sekali kat cover...

  3. deaf... aku cari kat sini takde la majalah billboard isu ni... boleh tak ko belikan untuk aku dan pos? Aku boleh transfer duit ke Malaysian bank account ko from CIMB. Please...!

    Sekali dengan Guitar World isu Maiden tu. Boleh?

  4. nanti aku carikkan lagi.

    also sabar eh aku carik ada online ordering ke tak. aku ada nampak link dia tapi aku tak salin.
    ko tengok ebay ada orang jual tak?

  5. mm ni dua link ko try...satu untuk billboard satu untuk guitar legend.

    Aku billboard ada satu je.
    Guitar legend aku ada dua tapi satu dah rezeb untuk mat jaih masa announcement magazine ni last two months.
    Ni ijan pun kalo dia nak nanti aku carikkan lagi.



  6. problem nak order... aku tak pakai credit card kat sini. Hanya ada paypal. Bilboard tak terima ah...

    Deaf... tolong weh... kat ebay mahal at least $15 (not including postage tu).

  7. aku carik takde..

    ada latest metal hammer depan gambo Eddie..

    nanti aku gi borders kalo sempat lak. ni should have.
