Sunday, April 6, 2008

things are not what it seems sometimes..

kadang2 eh, sesuatu tu tak seperti yang kita sangka..
contoh - korang nengok gambo ni, korang in general sekali tengok mesti ingat " ada penceroboh puaka jahat datang dari belakang nak serang dan nak buat benda tak baik kat awek ni yang nampaknye macam dah nak masuk tido ".

Sometimes things are not what it seems, at one glance, this photo shows an evil being trespassing and going to attack the lady who seems to be going to bed soon.

Tapi sebenarnye, lukisan ni menggambarkan, Eddie ( lelaki kat belakang pompuan tu ) ada lah mata air ( boipren ) kat si awek ni ( nama dia Charlotte ), dia dah mati selama tiga tahun dan dia sangat rindu kat awek dia, tu ah dia datang jengok awek dia yang tak tahu dia ada kat belakang, dan kalo ikut sejarah, Eddie lukisan ni, dibunuh Perdana Menteri Britain zaman awal 80an Margaret Thatcher ngan mesin-gan :-).

But actually, it shows Eddie visiting his beloved Charlotte. Dead for three years and this specific Eddie I presume was killed by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher with her machine gun. Drifting in between this world and purgatory, Eddie is reflected as heart broken, and even contemplating bringing Charlotte earlier to the next life.

Kat meja tu jugak awek Eddie masih taruk foto si Eddie. Kalo korang click gambo ni kasi besar, nanti bleh nampak tulis kat gambo tu " To Charlotte, all my love, Eddie "
Dan kalo korang nengok betul2, kat belakang foto Eddie tu ada Mickey Mouse. Ada cam kuku tu aku tak tahu apa.

On her dressing table , Charlotte still displays Eddie's photo. Click it to see whats actually written on that photo. So its kind of showing her true love for him, even after three long lonely years. And Mickey Mouse is peering from behind that photo. I dont know about what seems like claws at the table tip.

Lain2 benda dalam lukisan ni adalah majalah Cosmopolitan si Charlotte ni dah bis baca dan dia buang dalam tong sampah, kucing hitam mungkin peliharaan si Charlotte kat atas katil dia, ada patung kucing kat bawah meja solek dia, jam loceng ngan cermin dia ngah pecah, kat luar tu ialah pemandangan street scene kat London zaman tu, bulan mengambang dan ada bayang2 Grim Reaper kat luar.
Lastly, Derek Rigg nye signature tu kat tepi laci tu.
Yang si awek tu pegang tarot card " death ", aku serious tak tahu apa motif dia pegang kad tu hehe. Saje2 je kot. Lagi satu aku konfius, Eddie ni tak bleh wujud dalam apa pun bentuk " cant take no shape or form ", tapi kat bahu Charlotte bleh nampak bayang jari2 dia lak.

Other things on this artwork is the Cosmopolitan magazine which I believe Charlotte had thrown to the dust bin after reading it, a black cat which should be Charlotte's pet, a figurine of a cat below her dressing table, the alarm clock with the cover exploding, street scene of London at that period, full moon, and the image of the Grim Reaper. Derek Rigg signature is beside the drawers. I dont know how his shadow appears on Charlotte's shoulder when he is supposed to not take any shape or form for this specific song.

Jadi, sama macam lukisan Derek Riggs untuk artwork single " Twilight Zone " tahun 1981 ni, kadang2 sekali pandang, kita tak bleh nilai sesuatu tu, cakap tak serupa bikin ler aku tahu, tapi aku kena try jugak ler tak mau jump to conclusion or always think negative. Aku really nak kena put in effort untuk perbaiki diri dalam benda ni hehe.

She lays in bed at night and that is when I make my call.
But when she stares at me, she can't see nothing at all,
Because you see I can't take no shape or form.
It's been three long years since I've been gone.

I can't get used to purgatory, you know it really makes me cry,
I'll never know the reason why I had to go.

I'm crying,
Deep inside me,
Can't you see me?
Can't you see me?

I'm looking forward to her spirit coming over to me.
I feel so tempted to bring her over to see,
Just what it's like to be hanging on the other side.
I feel so lonely, it's a long time since I died.

I try to show her that she's never gonna be alone,
Because my spirit is imprisoned in the Twilight Zone.

I'm crying,
Deep inside me,
Can't you hear me?
Can't you see me?

( All photos are from the Iron Maiden's Twilight Zone 12 inch and this is my intepretation and review of what the artwork and lyrics means )


  1. dalam nak terjemah lagu Charlotte tu kena kaitkan dengan 22 Acacia Avenue le rasanya kot... sebab dia keje kat situ kan? Dah tu kena relate camana pulak Eddie came into the picture... next entry OK? hehehe...

  2. hehehe best lak merapu2 benda2 tak logik gini eh.

  3. ada apa dgn artwork ini...
    kenapa perepmpuan itu digambarkan dgn fizikal yg agak kasar...?
    Macam jantan, tak terserlah gaya perempuannya... tough semacam jer

    Ala2 Bridget Nilsen (betul ker ejaan nih, ex-wife Arnold Susah-nak-eja)

  4. dia salah lukis ah, tu pasal leher pompuan tu besar kan? hahaha
