Saturday, June 21, 2008

wings & superfriends- opera dalam kenangan ( part 1 )

Sapa yang minat Wings, Gi blog Ijan, usaha sedang dijalankan untuk tubuhkan fanclub Official Sayap Sayap Wings. FYI.

yang merah tu pt 1, hijau nye pt 2

Anyway, tu hari aku gi jalan2 nengok2 barang lama ( sebenarnye nak carik barang2 Maiden orang dah nak buang nye ler haha ), so jumpa Wings And Superfriends nye cds part 1 & part 2 brand new kira mint condition. Ni terbit tahun 1994 gitu, so aku memang takde so aku sambar ler sepasang.

mata aku sakit nak baca info2 dia..dah tua..hehe

The next two postings with handphone photos will be about the content and the packaging of the two cds. The two are released together which reminds me of the GNR Use Your Illusion albums. During this period, Wings had just lost their singer Awie and this two albums of about 25 tracks are made up of different genre of singers with their own style.
Anyway Black was also not around then. He was not even around for the Bazooka Penaka album which I really like.

Apa Joe tulis untuk sampul pt 1 & 2, Joe tulis lain2.

The basic infos for Wings & Superfriends - opera dalam kenangan ( part 1 ) or referred as the kaler merah cover are-

Wings - Joe/Eddie/Jojet
The Tracklist with the singer
1. on My Side - ANDY McLEAN ( This song is similar to Julang Timur Tengah if I can remember correctly )
2. Dia - HATTAN
3. Rock N Roll Band - AZUL
4. Taman Rashidah Utama - RAMLI SARIP
5. Perhentian - JOE/EDDIE/JOJET
6. Sejati - AZUL
7. Midnight Blues - HATTAN
8. Serati Tidak Bisa Jadi Undan - AMY SEARCH
9. Peronda Jaket Biru - SAHARA YAACOB
10. Bazooka Penaka - YANTZEN
11. Tangisan Marhain - SAHARA YAACOB

Each song is nice in their own way, but I like the one with Amy Search best.
Slow beautiful song. As usual the most complicated liriks by arwah loloq - piala kasturi, raden galoh, and the like.

Apa Eddie tulis..

I think this is one of the more harder to find cds among all Wings releases. So if you find it anywhere. You should consider purchasing the originals.

Liriks dia..berpinar mata nak baca..

to be continued..


  1. Memang best CD ni deaf....faveret aku..satelit puaka versi Mus

    Kalau ada jumpa lagiCD ni inform aku deaf....kalau boleh borong semua...aku nak bagi to someone important who should have/keep this CD.

  2. cukup bulan aku update ko, aku dah jumpa yang cd hijau lagi satu. Mint condition jugak. Aku suruh pakcik kedai rezebkan aku.
    Ngah carikkan cd merah lak.

  3. Dia - Hattan my feveret... rare find jugak ni deaf. Aku pun nak book satu set!

  4. mm aku pun tak sangka jumpa benda ni..nanti kalo aku jumpa yang kali ketiga, aku inform ko.

  5. aku? hhuhu mg susah nak dpt cd nie..worth ah deaf..kire cd ni cam search 10 tahun..susah nak carik kaset wings ni pon susah nak jumpa

  6. mata-kucing,
    wings & superfriends rasanye takde reprint, 1994 keluar tu je sekali, dan memang cd dia tak banyak kot.

    Search 10 tahun aku ada pun Indonesia nye , pun jumpa tak sengaja ngah kumpul habuk kat kedai

  7. thanks Deaf....memang teruja aku baca reply ko ni...hehehe

    Menunggu dgn sabar....
