Saturday, July 12, 2008


so tadi aku belek2 sokkabar nari, aku ternampak iklan Jetstar.

(ALL PHOTOS HERE ARE GAMBO SELINGAN AJE K, bukan Jetstar, kalo Jetstar cam gini nye lawa!! arggghhh aku nak carik keja kat changi airport basuh luar kapalterbang ).

Sg gi Perth. $8?
Siot ah. Aku tahu ni memang nak kena plus plus plus plus plus pun memang banyak jugak...
Tapi...for $ome people, and I believe I can $peak for a certain group of people,

The window to the world suddenly seems wider. Maybe just maybe, you can squeeze thru it and you wont even need a door.

So who knows, maybe satu hari nanti insyallah, aku dapat bawak love ones aku gi nengok negri omputeh.( tu hari nye Maiden Perth trip cuma ngan my better half aje, huhu ). Kalo ada opportunity next time harga flight gini lagik.

Backpack pun ok pe, and instant noodles pun alrighty pe bermacam rasa ( maggi pun dah ada perasa sup tulang eh latest jugak huhu tapi wa blum try ), bukan nak gi makan atau nak tido ye tak. Aku nak see the world bukan nak eat or sleep the world.

Aku fetish pegi Museum, aku tak tahu apsal, tapi aku envy orang keja kat museum. Apa cert kena ada eh? huhu. Nak kena nengok umur tak? Biasa ah sekarang, dah tua sikit je, memang payah masa gi interview. Orang tua lagi keja sungguh2 pasal dorang grateful diberi peluang, tapi apa pun kalo dah rezeki dapat ler. Opss terofftopik lak. Ter potpet potpet kejap huhu. Anyway, Muzium kat Perth, heaven sey.

And maybe just maybe....plan the itenerary to time it together with some thingys that I enjoy.. ( oppsss!!! ) hahaa. I know its going to be very difficult, tapi hallo, it took me 25 years to align all the planets to see Iron Maiden with my better half ok, and I never thought I would $tep on a negeri omputeh, its $omething previously aku cuma dengar kawan2 aku dah pergi dorang borak2 or nengok kat magazine or tv, but we did it. $o can you ok!

The most beautiful airplane in the world - Ed Force One

Dulu aku selalu fikir, kalo aku ada rezeki naik kapalterbang nanti pun, its pasal nanti nak gi haji.
At the end of the day betapa best pun tempat lain, thats going to be the most important destination in our lives, insyallah.

Oooohhh sabtu lepas.

Some 'motivational' and 'inspirational' before and after photos of the Twickenham Rugby Stadium in London. (As usual click all photos in this blog to enlarge them )

Lawa eh...



because of...

finally, ada taper dah share

this is one of the personal fan audio live recording of the historic Maiden Twickenham 2008.

A good recording too. Check out Revelations nye start. "Everybody down in the middle here take two steps back, somebody's down in the front.". Bruce ni very comfortable ler control crowd.

Tapi apa pun, .... Konsortium nye harga tiket bus express Larkin-Puduraya masih 24RM. Syukur bebanyak

p.s - Jersey Arsenal 2008/2009 home.. lain sangat lak.


  1. bila ko cakap pasal muzium ni teringat kat muzium Adelaide, just sebelah Uni aku hehehe... nanti one fine day aku masuk ah...

  2. aku pun nak pi negeri omputih gak! aaggagaga :p

  3. mm
    ko patut pegi semua historical places tu...pegi pegi pegi!!

    pegi ah.....england ke, amerika ke.
