Sunday, July 27, 2008

shopping bola related

so aku gi Peninsula tu hari carik gifts untuk one of my love ones, lupa lak tu hari sabtu petang, hari majoriti orang ramai tak keja..hah ko ramai jugak orang kat sana..
Pikir2 apa football related gifts nak beli ni, last2 aku decide sambar jersey team dia support satu ler, .. tapi..
Arggghhh tidak!!! maknanye aku akan membeli jersey team yang aku tak sokong..arrggghh!!

So aku beli kat kedai yang tingkat 4 hujung, depan kedai jam metal "to megatherion" ke hapa tu. Aku tak survey2 la dulu, pasal aku cuma nak beli regular jersey je, lain ler aku nak carik yang limited edition cup final nye ke hapa ke.
So kedai cina tu dia jual normal jersey adult $95 gitu. Jersey children $65 gitu.

So... berapa hinggit dari pembelian aku ni akan masuk kat dalam transfer kitty si old purple nose tu eh? TIDAAKKKK!!!!!! huhuhu.

dah terlanjur cakap pasal bola. A few goodbyes.
-Goodbye Gilberto. You are one of the most unglamourous player, you are the water carier, doing the pencacai job, but you will not be forgotten. You are good with headings and defending high balls. I also think you are good captain and well behaved. I hope you win lots of trophies for Panathiakos.
-Goodbye Flamini. I think the statistics say, you're among the ones who run the most distance in games where you play. What a waste you're leaving. Big danger for me because the 1st and 2nd choice DM is both leaving.
-Goodbye Hieb. Its best you go. Hope Barcelona repeats their performance the same like the just ending season. Huahahahaha ( evil laughter ).
-Abdebayor. You remind me of A$hley Cole. If you're still around, I think the fans will hate you, unless you perform well of course.

Although , I got to cancel my SCV beco$ its getting more expen$ive, but instead I want to install Astro la (if we can afford it) in time for new season.
But if cannot afford, then to all coffeeshops in Singapore & Malaysia.. I am relying on you all for EPL. Thank you in advance.


  1. amboi... banyak benor koleksi ni... takpe orang kaya hehehe...

  2. ceh... ingat lu kolek... tertipu gue dengan tajuk entry hehehe

  3. hahaha ni seumur hidup 1st time beli jersey original tu pun bukan untuk aku..
    skali2 kasi surprise kat love ones kita gempak jugak kan.

  4. errk..sempat engko bersoping yek bro! aku pun bersoping gak tadik.agagagaga :P

  5. salam deap....
    adui akuaalah ngan Blog aku ada masalah ngan board aku tuh'
    bila nak posting mesti disimpan dulu. tu yang ilang mood tu dep. Dah tengok kat setting tapi x menjadik gak. Malam ni baru boleh dep
