Monday, September 22, 2008

majalah MH - Metallica & Thrash Metal collectors special

so ni kali review lagi satu magazine worth keeping, aku sambar tu hari..
Metal Hammer Collectors Special - Metallica & Thrash Metal
Dah release maybe a month back kot? aku yang delay.

click all photos to enlarge
My review and photospread of the Metal Hammer magazine's Metallica & Thrash Metal Collectors Special 2008

Ni dia punye foreward, korang try click dan enlarge, kot boleh baca

The next two photos are the content pages..this magazine has nothing but a mountain high pile of thrash, hundred over pages of them - some old, some new, some from the jurassic period. But this thrash is different, its not smelly, but they all have a nice smell.

Like previous special collectors editions by both Metal Hammer & Kerrang, there are some previously released old articles and materials re-used, but that doesnt damper my reading mood. (wakakaka prektis english beb. hentam je la.)

something nice...the metal hammer's thrash top 50. I always prefer and trust British and European rock journalists because I think they know what they are talking about.
The last American rock magazine I really read was maybe R.I.P back in the early 90s? muahahaha.

siot ah, frolic in the park nombor tinggi. ni kaset kuno zaman jahiliah ni. 'selamatdatangketingkattiga' huhu.
I always remember reading Mark Day's review of this cassette, and it was so convincing that I searched for the cassette tape. "check-out girl! check this out!".

click all to enlarge huhu

ok la majalah ni...sample topiks dia...cerita2 kuno dan informatif.

ni a bit of jenaka..rambut james hetfield style katun tahun demi tahun..

cerita lama eh...haha. Apa pun, some of these bands aku masih follow up sampai sekarang sikit2, cuma..... cuma..... aku tak beli dah haha. Tapi maybe Kreator baru kot? pasal aku suka giler sama Enemy Of God.


  1. fuh...
    semua album2 ribut tu...
    voivod, metal church, overkill, sacred reich, s.o.d, suicidal tendecies, forbidden...

    kalau yg big four tu jgn cakap la...

    teringat kisah seorang member yg gantung diri dengan lagu Sacred Reich 'Who's To Blame' berkumandang diudara... mungkin encik gayour masih ingat dgn arwah amir tu...

    ''..Jonny can you hear me
    turn that music down
    You're making too much noise
    I mean it do it now
    all that stuff is evil
    Ozzy, Judas Priest
    there's backwards messages in that stuff
    that leads you to the beast

    Jonny don't you hear me
    open up that door
    I've been calling you for hours
    I won't say it anymore
    just wait until your dad gets home and sees what
    you have done
    kicked out of school
    you've got no job
    you're a useless
    delinquent bum
    oh my god it's Jonny
    hanging by his neck
    all those metal albums
    have led him to his death..''


  3. hahah..aku tak jumpa kat kedai dah mag ni..
    aku pun juruambikgambar gak.tapi takde la secantik depa..
    aku tetap secantik aku.kehkeh..

    aku penah dengar dengar ade org mati sebab lagu new boyz..kekekeke..
    mati katak la..

  4. naga, share ler story tu..
    aku nak dengar

    mm, mk, bh
    ni majalah best giler wei

  5. bro deaf..wa kirim kat lu leh?
    sini (KL)..mana nak carik?..revolver selalu la jumpa.


  6. ni kat kedai mamak kat bugis sg aku nampak satu je pasal ni dah keluar dah lama jugak dah sebulan kot? aku je lambat beli...

    aku tak pegi kedai2 besar cam kinokuniya nak cek lagi.

  7. kat Kl ni tak fav kut m.hammer nih..
    kalo guitar world,revolver..etc..ada la jumpa...

    nak kena cekidaut kat sg wang la nih..kut2 ada lagi..aduss.

  8. dah beli dengan Kerrang Maiden Heaven yeaaahhh!!

    memang killer issues!

    p/s: gua beli Maiden Heaven 4 copies hehehe...

  9. james kalo kat spore, magazine2 cam terroriser dan whatever2 semua ada ler...cuma kadang2 tu kalo ada dvd free, mungkin dvd tu takde, kalo cd ok ler.
    ni kerrang pun dah keluar legends special pasal metallica. hmv dah start jual. tapi all about metallica je la cam Maiden legends tahun 2002 yang superfantabulous nye collectors item...
    maybe aku ingat nak sambar kot tapi $25

  10. sekali 4 mm? huhuhu.
    tapi memang collectible ler maiden heaven tu..

  11. deaf,...kat sini pon sama,..dtg mag je..kalo ada free gift bagai tu..mmg jgn harap la.

    dulu..guitar world ada kuar spesel edisi metallica..totally metallica jer.

    awal this month..aku ada jumpa gak GW yg kavernya metallica..tapi,..tak berapa umphh mengenangkan imej metallica skang...
    aku nak yg imej olskool depa tuh.

    susah2..ko jual jek yg ni kat aku...hahaha.
