Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Eddie's Archive - blue inlay version ( review pt 1)

Akhir tahun 2002/permulaan 2003 kot?, kotak besi berkarat ni aku tangkap kat Roxy yang tu jam masih kat Funan.


Aku tak kesah aku ada first limited-edition warna biru atau second-release-limited-edition warna merah asal ada je, tapi kalo ada yang 1st nye lagi thrill rasanye.

I will try to write my own full review with lots of photos of the Eddie's Archive, or some called it the Eddie's Casket.

( Aku masih ingat, tu jam kat Roxy, pilihan antara Eddie's Archieve ni atau Edward The Great nye vinyl haha, dua2 keluar serentak dan aku ikat perut cukup2 untuk satu je lagipun benda2 gini lambat je habis ler, tapi tu ah , aku sampai skarang tak pernah ada Edward The Great cd tapi aku ada promo cd dia yang dalam kadbod tu.

Released in late 2002 as a limited edition with either the blue or red inner packaging. Mine is blue but I dont know where is the serialised numbering or is it the red?

Why aku tak pernah nak beli Edward The Great cd? pasal...cam my better half cakap "its just a compilation" huhuhu. Nanti la lain kali, tunggu dia belikan? haha, tapi right now hidup mesti ada priority nak2 ekonomi pun cam gini, pekerjaan pun tak bleh take for granted, smoga sentiasa ada jalan untuk terus carik rezeki ek. Aku rasa untuk pembaca yang man on the street, kita akan rasa impact dia tahun depan kot? Apa pun, masuk paper nari forecasted unemployment rate untuk tahun depan akan naik.
Anyway ni topik hari lain,

This is the full content of the Eddie's Archive as listed on the packaging. Click to enlarge for a Maiden Heaven moment.

Pelan2 kemas, aku cuba kumpul balik semua maiden stuffs ( dah bertahun koleksi Maiden aku berterabur merata2 ) termasuk cd-cd yang datang dengan boxset ni

How the inside looks like, I will try to photograph each page of each cd booklet and will slowly blogged them down here or in my multiply so whoever havent seen the actual booklet can enjoy them.

So aku nye, inlet dia biru, tapi mana dia punye serialised number?? aku tak nampak pun? tapi ntah la aku pun confuse benda2 gini tak macam Eddie's Skull boxset, tu senang, dapat sijil dichop serial number berapa dalam 25,000 worldwide sahaja.

I have to remove all the cd casings and store the cds in plastic inserts due to lack of space for storage at home and to avoid attracting unnecessary attention and complaints regarding my nonsensical(especially Maiden ) collection hehe

So kotak besi ni datang dengan tiga set albums, tiap2 ada dua cd - beast over hammersmith, bbc archives dan best of bsides
Nanti aku senang aku cerita...satu persatu dan tadi kat keja, aku ada time kejap, aku dah snap foto tiap2 mukasurat nanti aku taruk kat multiply, so senang untuk sapa2 tak pernah tengok dan nak tengok...

The Iron Maiden family tree updated on sort of parchment paper, the extended version of the one that comes as a poster for the original out of print A Real Dead One. This is a so much more happy family tree with Bruce (and Adrian) back in.

also ada gelas cantik glasshot ke hapa ntah...ada family tree, cantik kertas dia parchment paper, kalo sapa beli A Real Dead One masa mula2 tu kan dalam ada poster besar? ah belakang dia kan ada family tree, ni lagi sambungan dia sejak dari zaman early 90s tu..dan ada cincin 'lord of the rings' Eddie balut family tree tu... apa nama melayu? Salasiah keluarga? ntah eh...

So enjoy some of pics, the be(a)st is yet to come.. \m/

Thats the shotglass, and the roots and the branches of Maiden

And thats the Eddie's Lord Of The Rings huhu..the ring holds the family tree scroll together.

I was a bit curious of the serial number as it seems this blue box set was rumoured to have one similar to the Eddie's Skull boxset with the /25000 certificate, but I cant find any, I dont think this is the one though

To be(ast) continued....


  1. lagi satu collection lu yg boleh buat gua jeles sampai terjun block...

    *pastu relax bawah kolong sambil nyanyi...

    "A briefcase, a lunch and a man on the edge
    Each step gets closer to losing his head
    Is someone in heaven are they looking down
    'Cause nothing is fair just you look around

    Falling down...
    Falling down...
    Falling down...!!"

    -Man On The Edge
    (The X Factor 1995)

  2. siap ada surat watikah tu.. cam box harta karun..lawa
