Friday, November 7, 2008

~ southern hemisphere ~

Aku tadi belajar geography kat tempat keja, aku tanya kawan aku
"southern hemisphere where ah? Singapore is it?"
sekali tu dia jawab buat spoiler ler.
"Singapore is equator. Below equator is Southern Hemisphere"
Siot aku tahu la Iron Maiden nak gi Australia , New Zealand, Brazil, ( maybe South Africa ) ( SEMUA NI AKU CEK KONPEM SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE KAT PETA ), tapi aku nak tahu Singapore or KL or Bangkok ada chance tak???!!!

Perbualan ni berlaku pasal ada posting baru kat porum
Seorang Maiden fan dah terserempak Rod Smallwood ( Maiden nye manager ) dalam toilet masa tengok konsert Motorhead.
Ni dia punye cerita.

Phil S
I'm an FC member! Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 2,148
Had a chat with Rod Smallwood last night...


When to see Motorhead/Saxon/Danko Jones last night in Brighton (all the bands were excellent!). Between Saxon and Motorhead I left the main hall to use the toilet and bumped into Rod. This is the first time I've ever spoken to him and I must say - what a complete gent he was. The conversation went something like this -

Phil - hello Rod, when are Maiden playing concerts again?

Rod - not until 2010 - they have played alot recently so not for a few years now.

Phil - what, no gigs at all?

Rod - well we've played the Uk alot over the last few years what with Twickenham, Donington and Reading, we are going to concentrate on the Southern Hemispheres and there will be an announcment on Saturday.

Phil - oh, that's great! I've seen a fair few Maiden gigs this year starting off in Australia in February so I'm right up for travelling.

Rod - well if you like to travel you must go to Sao Paulo in Brazil, the venue we are trying to organise is just wonderful and the crowds are great.

Phil - I would love to go.

Rod - nothing has been confirmed yet but it should be soon.

Phil - I better start saving!

Rod - I've not seen Saxon for a while, they toured with us in 1983 - Piece of Mind.

Phil - with Fastway too.

Rod - (laughs) that's right!

Phil - I retain this sort of information!

Rod - My memory is rubbish!

Phil - I'm a bit sad like that, I remember these things!

Rod - I'm dying for a piss.

Phil - Ok Rod, nice talking to you. Must just say that I loved the 2 Bercy shows in Paris.

Rod - Yeah, great venue.

Phil - also the Gothenburg show, that was one of Nicko's fave shows from this year wasn't it?

Rod - yeah, I think so. It's a special show for us, it usually sells out so quickly.

Phil - great stuff!

Then the man gave me a big smile and shook my hand - what a nice guy!


1 comment:

  1. whoa...!!

    so lets cross our fingers & start saving..!!

    "can i play with madness!!"
