Wednesday, December 31, 2008

666+1342 - the highlights (updated)

saje2 je, highlights aku untuk tahun 2008.
1st part pasal hiburan, 2nd part pasal makan2 dan jalan2. Most aku dah review or pernah cakap sebelum ni. Carik kat label2 sebelah kanan tu.

1st part
Fave English Album 2008 - Journey 'Revelation'. Triple (or double depending where you bought it) disc of pop-rock heaven.

Fave Malay Album 2008 - Osairis 'Osiris'. Kalo orang tanya aku rock band singapore yang best selain Rockers, Rusty Blade, Malex, Sweet Charity etc etc etc, aku cakap Osairis. Very the Maiden and sori no lagu2 rakyat.

Best Show 2008 - Iron Maiden @Burswood Dome. I could Have been a Dreamer No More. 25 tahun aku tunggu saat ni \m/ .

Best Malay Show 2008 - Sweet Charity @PWTC. How I wish I had seen them at the demolished National Theater a long long time ago in the late 70s gitu.

Best DVD 2008 - TOTO' Falling In Between Live. Spectacular. Tiap2 lagu, cuma setlist dah ubah sikit dari show kat Fort Canning. I Will Remember ngan Home Of The Brave ganti ngan lagu2 lain.

Best Magazine 2008 - Billboard Magazine 'Iron Maiden Special' Summer Issue. The sheer size of the magazine and the colourful advertisements put up by promoters/fans/record companies/music equipment and logistic suppliers/lawyers/finance companies/sponsors among others from all over the world kissing Maiden's ass are not only attractive but also a fitting tribute.

Best Tshirt 2008 - Personalised white -I travelled back in time to see Eddie- "maidensingapore" fan club tshirt.

Best Surprise 2008 - Setlist Maiden @Burswood Dome. 2nd nite of the tour, no internet access, so I was fortunate to avoid any spoilers regarding Maiden's SBIT setlist. A thriller song after song after song.

2nd part

Best New Place visited 2008 - Perth. All my 'jakun'ness regarding the city, the food, the attractions, are archived at the Maiden Perth tag or label or what its called.

Best Usual Place visited 2008 - Mandai Zoo. Never dissapoint us.

Best Food kat Sg - Nasik Ayam Penyek yang kat Chong Pang Hawker Center nombor dua dari hujung. 4 ketul, tapi worth it.

Best Food kat KL - Nasik Goreng Cili Padi kedai bawah blok

Best Food kat JB - Nasik Ambeng kat terminal pasar larkin.


  1. paling jeles 2008 - lu pergi Iron Maiden @Burswood Dome.

    haha..bila la Maiden nak turun Msia ni...

    Selamat Tahun Baru Deaf..

  2. yuhuu big bro!
    happy new year to u! Nasik ambeng kat larkin tu area mana?? x sempat plak makan tahun lpas. gagagga

  3. Best Malay Live Show...

    Aku sampai sekarang terasa sebak pasal itulah kali pertama & terakhir aku tengok arwah Masrom perform. Teringat masa dia intro lagu "Lazy"..Sebijik John Lord.

    Boleh lagi ke dorang nak buat anniversary konsert tahun ni? Tanpa Syed Hassan & Masrom...hmmm

    Ini konsert jugak la yang mempertemukan wa ngan lu Deaf..hehehe

    Best DVD konsert...

    Aku dapat DVD ni secara accidental. Sorang member yang nak menebus kesalahan pasal hilangkan DVD "GNR Live In Tokyo Dome" aku. Hong Kong nyer pirate tu..siap casing n double disk..mana nak carik lagi? Tak dapat nak layan Slash solo "godfather theme"

    Tracklist hampir sama macam masa dorang perform kat M'sia. Cuma yang buat rare pasal 1st..Ada interview ngan semua band mate.. "Steve said that he's the only one that didn't miss any concert or album BUT i'm the only member that have been kick out & been invited again"..Bobby Kimball.

    2nd..Mamat keyboardist tu tak kantoi masa perform "Africa". Lu kena tengok muka Lukather masa dorang punyer show kat M'sia time part "Africa" mamat keyboardist tu leh kantoi sound..hahaha.

    Tunggu peluang nak loafing ngan lu lagi Deaf..

  4. Alamak..terpanjang lak komen..
    Nak update blog malas lagi ni..hehehe
