Sunday, January 4, 2009

teman baru 3rd shift aku

longg distance dedication kejap
"I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses, cause tonite I work in a bed of nails"

sebelum tu, dua benda tarik perhatian aku bila baca internet nari -
1) ACDC Black Ice jualan sampai platinum kat Singapore? Kalo gitu boleh buat konsert ler kat rantau ni pasal ada pasaran kan. Aku memang nak nengok dorang. Lagu2 pop dorang best2.
Cuma kalo nak bawak love ones aku, segan ler part Whole Lotta Rosie tu haha. IfYouGetWhatIMean. Tapi lagu TNT ada peminat dah nampaknye haha. Bukan aku exposed pung.

2) Seems Brazil TV broadcast Scorpions nye Brazil show. Sepultura nye gitaris tu guest, dan aku suka betul nengok dia singalong lagu Always Somewhere haha. Enjoy lak aku nengok.
Dulu2, mesti aku gi trawl mintak bootleggers, nak carik dvdr ni show pasal pro-shot. Sekarang dah tua dan zaman ni peminat semua main taruk kat youtube pun aku tak kuasa nak nengok.
Officially over dah kot zaman aku kumpul bootlegs unless maybe Maiden je la sikit2.

My review and photos of the packaging for the 1991's White Lion - Mane Attraction cd. First in Malay then in English.

(click all photos to enlarge)

Jadi teman baru aku bila keja malam sorang2 ialah cd White Lion Mane Attraction. Upload sembunyik masuk dalam hard disk tempat keja lagik haha.
Dulu 1991, aku ada kaset album White Lion ni. Bila dah keja, aku pelan2 upgrade favourites kasets aku gi cd, termasuk album ni.

So ni ulasan aku -

Apa aku nye fikiran, kalo lagu pertama dalam cd atau kaset satu band rock tu lagu paling panjang, mesti album tu istimewa. Ni teori aku ler - tanda takde komprom (ada ke perkataan melayu ni?)
Bodohnye teori, tapi ntah eh.
Contoh - Maiden's X Factor - first song The Sign Of The Cross \m/, Osairis nye cd pun 1st song paling panjang, dan ni Mane Attraction ni.
1st song terus 8 minit lebih dah. Lights And Thunder.

Sesuai untuk semua orang yang suka lagu rock yang exciting dan thrill, atau lagu slow rock mendayu2 huhu.

p.s - Masa aku nengok Megadeth last year, aku nengok bass player dia James Lomenzo atas pentas, then aku fikir, at last...aku dapat nengok jugak nonton White Lion on stage, walaupun pun cuma 1/4 je.


I have a stupid theory, if the first song on a rock album is the longest, it means the album is interesting as its a sign that there is no compromise. Stupid theory I guess but I have at least 3 albums to support it. Maiden's X Factor, Osairis-Osiris and White Lion's Mane Attraction. Maybe there are more? But I cant remember them now.

When I saw Megadeth ( at last ), I was looking at James Lomenzo and thinking that at last I got to see one of 80s best rock band's member live.

Teman baru aku dalam bas, dalam mrt, dan waktu jalan kaki?
Triple Manowar whammy - Kings Of Metal/Triumph Of Steel/Sign Of The Hammer
dan lagu2 love songs - If You Get There Before I lagu meleleh abis hahaha, Chris Vadham "Gerimis Hati", Adam Ahmad "Kau Pegi Jua" haha...
abis ler orang ingat aku giler senyum sorang2 dengar earphone.


  1. "..wanna tell you a story
    'bout a woman I know
    When it comes to lovin'
    Oh she steals the show
    She ain't exactly pretty
    Ain't exactly small
    Forty-two, thirty-nine, fifty-six
    You could say she's got it all.."

    gua tgh giler layan Cemetery Gates(pantera), suspicious mind(elvis), show must go on(queen) dengan Deeper Underground(jamiroquai)...

    pedulik org nak ingat kita biol ke hapa senyum sorang2... lu tak kacau org sua...!!!

  2. sama la kita deaf...
    aku pun pelan2 upgrade kaset2 yg aku minat ke cd..
    tapi White Lion belum menjadi...aku baru ada cd Best Of ajer..

  3. laa mati2 aku ingat engko dpt kwn keje baru wat teman. agagaggagagagagagaga *sakit perot gelak*

    rupanya cd white lion. cet aku tertipu :p
