Sunday, February 1, 2009

baca apa dicampak atas stage kat awie & wings

Amboi.. unsangkarable

click to enlarge

ni dari sokkabar Today last few days nye.. mungkin tak smua dah tau artikel ni, so aku tampal sini.

actual article dia full page, macam gini...( hellfire ko nak? aku simpankan haha )

ni dia nye text..

The real RocknRolla
Malaysian rocker Awie of Wings does it for the fans

christopher toh

IT WAS supposed to have been the mother of all Malay rock concerts. Legendary Malaysian rock band Wings was set to celebrate their 21st anniversary with a concert at Suntec City on Nov 7 last year.
However, just days before the show, the organisers announced that Wings would not be coming to town after all. Instead, the show would be headlined by what were originally the guest artistes — rock band Kristal, and several members from rock outfits Lovehunters, Lefthanded and May.
No concrete explanation was given, although the Malay newspapers reported that there was a “miscommunication” between Awie and the promoter, and the blogosphere was rife with speculation. Last Friday, Awie, the lead singer from Wings, cleared the air and apologised to fans.
“I just want to say sorry to the fans. It’s not that I wanted to purposely spite them,” he told Today over the phone from Kuala Lumpur.
According to Awie, the promoter had reneged on the sum that was owed. Instead of paying the agreed 50 per cent before the show, Awie had only been paid “a few thousand”. And the promoter had started fudging when Awie pressed the issue.
“She offered thousands of excuses,” Awie said. After attempts to meet up with the promoter fell through, Awie, in frustration, decided to cancel the show.
“Really, I tried my best to help, but ... I had to protect the interests of my friends — Wings — because I was the middleman, and I didn’t want them to think that I was sabotaging them either,” he continued. “So, I’m very sorry. That’s all I can say about it.”
The promoter could not be contacted for a comment by press time.
Still, Awie is making up for it. Fans have already started snapping up tickets for Konsert Power Rock 2009 at Republic Polytechnic this weekend. Organised by Xtreme Music, the concert will also feature Rahmat (from Mega), Ali XPDC and Shamrin (of Fotograf) who will be backed by musicians from Meditasi, Lefthanded, Yakamashi, Def Gab C and Metalasia.
Already, all top-tier tickets ($88 and $128) have sold out, and organisers are now offering a “clearance sale”, with all the remaining tickets going at $34.
That’s provided, however, that things go well with Awie’s father who has been hospitalised with a viral infection.
“I’m not too sure what kind of viral infection it is but it’s quite serious,” Awie said.
“He had to have a second operation. Hopefully, he’ll pull through.”
At press time, Xtreme Music had confirmed Awie’s presence.
Awie himself said he will be “rocking out” with his own solo numbers and Wings hits, adding that he really likes performing in Singapore because the fans are “crazy”.
“Yeah, the last time we performed in Singapore, the fans threw their bras on to the stage, and started throwing money at me. I was like, ‘Wow!’ You don’t expect this from Singapore,” he said.
on good wives and secret cults
Awie, born Ahmad Azhar bin Othman, began his career fronting Wings, which scored hits with albums such as Hukum Karma, Teori Domino and Bazooka Penaka.
He left the band in 1994 after reportedly disagreeing with the other members, but re-joined in 2002 after the band received lukewarm fan response to his replacements.
In between, Awie pursued a solo singing career as well as an acting career, and starred in films such as Sembilu (1994), Baik Punya Cilok (2005) and Antoo Fighter (2008).
The 40-year-old rocker has four children, two from a previous marriage, and two from his current wife Rozana Misbun. Thankfully, he said, juggling family and his job isn’t as hard as some might think. “My wife is really very understanding. She knows I have to do my work.
“And when it’s work, that’s my top priority. Thank God I have a good and understanding wife.”
Of course, with great fame comes greater chances of being tabloid fodder. Last December, it was reported that Awie headed part of a secret society called Kumpalan Naga in Malaysia, and that he gets RM3,600 ($1,500) for every member who joins. “That (rumour is) irritating,” he groused. “I’m suing them because that’s really too much! It really hurts my reputation and I don’t want people to believe that. I’ve already talked to my lawyers.
“But at least people are still talking about me, good or bad,” he conceded. “It’s free publicity. They say all kinds of things, but now I’m immune to all that. So, thanks to all the people who are talking good or bad about me; I don’t get mad from that. Thanks very much!”
Right now, the actor-singer has no plans on slowing down. In fact, he’s still chasing a dream: To perform with Metallica.
“I think everybody would love to play with Metallica. Maybe if they come to do a show in Malaysia or even Singapore. It’s my dream! I mean, I’ve played with (rock band) Europe, so nothing is impossible!”
Catch Konsert Power Rock 2009,Jan 31, 7.30pm at the RepublicCultural Centre Theatre, Republic Polytechnic. Tickets now at$34 from Muzika Records at Joo Chiat Complex (Tel: 6743 6546).


  1. klu de link youtube
    bg r
    minat gak awie

  2. salam deff#
    sorry lambat reply. Hang dah xplore lom kamera hang tu. cuba aa cari apa yg tersimpan. mesti ada. bila dah dapat satu rasa nak nembak jer korjenya depppp:-)
