Wednesday, February 11, 2009

model Ed Force One

(Click all photos to enlarge)

Tua dah, my better half tanya " awak nak gift apa? ".
gue lak ngah mengidam benda ni, sampai termimpi2. \m/

I love this pasal actually snap guna kamera dan enlarge, bleh nampak the 1st leg tour nye cities involved.

4th Feb 2008 Burswood Dome Perth. sigh.
Dah setahun seminggu rupanye. Tunggu dvd Flight 666 mintak2 ada footage Burswood Dome tak? haha.

Contoh gambar aku snap jadi disaster.
Aku tak tahu apa aku nak snap sebenarnye. sigh.
Hentam kromo aperture priority, program modes etc haha. These are the uncontrolled results.

Photos of the Iron Maiden's Ed Force One Flight 666 1/200 scale model replica used for the Somewhere Back In Time 2008.

ok ler size dia..panjang 24cm.

Model kapalterbang ni, sangat bermakna untuk aku.
Bedek ah korang smua kalo korang, apa pun pangkat dan taraf hidup korang, tak pernah melalui zaman kesusahan, kehampaan, kesedihan, kehinaan, kesilapan, kecederaan dan mungkin kecacatan atau masih terus menempuhi ni semua.
Tapi kita orang Islam, kena sabar, usaha, beri sokongan apa segi pun antara satu sama lain dan bercampur ngan orang berfikiran positif. Cakap memang senang aku tahu, tapi kita try ler.

So whoever you are,
korang kalo tak pernah dengar lagu Aerosmith "Dream On". Korang masuk youtube.

Lagu ni kita boleh intepret sebagai lagu orang dah berusia lanjut, macam yours truly

aku dulu benci lagu ni pasal slow sangat, Boring...(yawn), tapi dah tua, aku suka lak lagu ni..pasal..its about jadi tua.

Every time I look in the mirror
All these lines on my face getting clearer
The past is gone
It went by, like dusk to dawn
Isn't that the way
Everybody's got their dues in life to pay

tapi...dia tetap bermimpi untuk capai apa dia nak dalam hidup selagi nyawa dikandung badan..jadi..

Dream on, dream on, dream on
Dream yourself a dream come true
Dream on, dream on, dream on
Dream until your dream comes through

aku tengok kek aku..BANYAKNYE LILIN!!! Oh My!!! hahaha.

Will there be another time?
Konpem bukan next tour tahun 2010-2011 new album tour, kecuali tempat dekat2, up to Bangkok boleh naik bas express so ok bawak love ones aku this time.
Mungkin...2012-2013 next history tour? Dream On Dream On...huhu.


  1. happy freakin' birthday bro...!!!

    macam biasa, lu tak penah fail bikin gua jealous dgn collection Maiden lu, adoi... emosi tersentap gitu...

    hahaha... anyway, semoga pjg umur, murah rezeki dan terus ceria disamping love ones...

    "From the coast of gold,
    across the seven seas
    I'm travellin' on,
    far and wide
    But now it seems,
    I'm just a stranger to myself
    And all the things I sometimes do, it isn't me but
    someone else

    I close my eyes,
    and think of home
    Another city goes by
    in the night
    Ain't it funny how it is,
    you never miss it 'til it's
    gone away
    And my heart is lying there
    and will be 'til my
    dying day

    So understand
    Don't waste your time always searching for
    those wasted years
    Face up...
    make your stand
    And realise you're living in the golden years...

    Too much time on my hands,
    I got you on my mind
    Can't ease this pain, so easily
    When you can't find the words to say it's hard to
    make it through another day
    And it makes me wanna cry and throw my hands up to the sky

    So understand
    Don't waste your time always searching for
    those wasted years
    Face up...
    make your stand
    And realise you're living in the golden years..."

    *Cheers bro...!!

  2. Selamat hari jadi Encik Deaf,

    saya pun nak dedikasikan lagu ni (walaupun tak berapa kena mengena ) sempena hari keputeraan encik..


    "I kept the right ones out
    And let the wrong ones in
    Had an angel of mercy
    To see me through all my sins
    There were times in my life
    When I was goin' insane
    Tryin' to walk through the pain

    And when I lost my grip
    And I hit the floor
    Yeah, I thought I could leave
    But couldn't get out the door
    I was so sick n' tired
    Of livin' a lie
    I was wishing that I would die

    It's amazing
    With the blink of an eye
    You finally see the light
    Oh it's amazing
    When the moment arrives
    You know you'll be alright
    Yeah it's amazing
    And I'm saying a prayer
    For the desperate hearts tonight

    That one last shot's a Permanent Vacation
    And a how high can you fly with broken wings
    Life's a journey - not a destination
    And I just can't tell just what tomorrow brings

    You have to learn to crawl
    Before you learn to walk
    But I just couldn't listen
    To all that righteous talk oh yeah
    I was out on the street
    Just tryin' to survive
    Scratchin' to stay alive

    It's amazing
    With the blink of an eye
    You finally see the light
    Oh it's amazing
    When the moment arrives
    That you know you'll be alright
    Oh it's amazing
    And I'm saying a prayer
    For the desperate hearts tonight

    (Remember- the light at the end of the tunnel
    May be you. Goodnight!")

  3. hapy besday deaf...

    bila la turn gua pulak nak tgk maiden ni...isk...dream on :D

  4. Tua takpe. Janji ati muda.

    Buleh kawen lagi 1, kalo nak. :)

    BTW, Happy Birthday. Just appreciate apa yg ada kat keliling kita pon dah kira syukur.

  5. semuanye bermula dari angan-angan kendian menjadi kenyataan melalui usaha dan doa.

    tahniah dan syukur atas ulangtahuan kelahiran

    " ButI feel I'm growing older
    And the songs that I have sung
    Echo in the distance
    Like the sound
    Of a windmill goin' 'round
    I guess I'll always be
    A soldier of fortune "

    deep purple

    " As years are passing by
    Silence becomes your friend
    You see the world in a different way
    Don't be afraid of getting old
    Life's still full of joy
    And the beauty of the past is rejoicing your mind

    life's like a river

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa besday ko kelmarin ke bro?? uhuk

    HAPPY belated BESDAY BIG BRO!!

    sowy aku lmbt 2 hari wish. eheh

    beshnye dpt jugak model kapalterbang yg diidamkan. Kasik kat aku buleh? gagaga :p

  8. dep....
    aku taw hang ni memang peminat iron maiden no. aku teringat ada kenalan bloger aku seorang doctor surgery. Doc hisyam ni pun punyai sama gak minat ngan hang ni.
