Saturday, March 21, 2009

in profile / 11886/25000

Antara satu2nye tempat untuk dapatkan original In Profile ni ialah dalam Eddie's Head boxset keluaran 1998 dulu.
Jadi untuk sapa tak pernah nengok, ni ialah cd In Profile tu...

( Click all photos to enlarge )

Macam dengar rencana radio gitu bila dengar cd ni. Ada dj story mory.

From Upton Park to Donington Park bla bla bla...

As far as I can remember, I %*&$*"& hate West Ham for that 1980 debacle, I remember as a kid watching that game live on tv. Never did I imagined that I had to end up being their symphatiser ( not supporter ) because if they do well, Steve Harris will be happy. I cant imagined if Steve Harris had supported THFC. Team yang paling aku menyampah dalam sejarah. Konpem kejong siak aku!
smalam ESPN Brazil ada 8 min footage, interview Steve Harris pasal 'West Ham & Football in your life' gitu,
Steve Harris jawab " You can change your world, but you cant change your team." Then dia borak2 pasal dia main depan tapi dia pendek ntah apa kebenda lagi dia borak.

content dia..

nasik tambah, sapa tak perasan pasal Eddie's Head dan jugak enhanced version first 12 studio and live albums, inlay tepi dia kalo sambung dapat gini..

lawa kan, aku always impressed ngan creativity dia.

At the opening of the head, unleash hell. ( macam ceta gladiator huhu )

but dont forget the eyes...
I am the eye in the sky, looking at youuuuuuu I can read your mind..

Aku sebenarnye tengah kumpul balik dan sedaya upaya salvage apa2 pasal Maiden yang masih aku belum buang atau hilang.. dan tampal kat Multiply, mungkin untuk tracking koleksi aku, dan jugak lain kali kot nak letgo, senang sikit aku dah buat reference..

These are the photos, descriptions, reviews of the Iron Maiden In Profile cd which comes with the Eddie's Head/Skull limited edition boxset of 25,000 worldwide released back more than a decade ago, and mine is no 11886/25000.
Full photos and more of the condition of the items are on my multiply pages as linked above.

cam sedih lak describe ' condition of the items '. selalu gini nak time letgo je describe huhuhu


  1. lu boleh bikin personal archive utk semua merch. Maiden ni beb... mungkin satu hari nanti lu susun cantik2... buat satu special room(kalau ada extra room)lepas tu buat satu entry pasal ni, complete dgn gambar2 barang2 yg lu collect, post kat sini... then Steve Harris yg tgh surf net, tiba2 terbaca pasal story yg lu bikin, dia impressed bila tgk collection yg lu simpan, pastu dia akan contact lu, sebab dia akan bawak the band turun singapore utk visit lu 'as a no.1 fan ever!'

    pastu lu boleh mention nama gua, 'the other fan who dying to watch them.. live!' pastu diorang jumpa gua dan kasik special pass utk ikut tour diorang, hahaha... imaginasi gua sometimes boleh melangkaui impian!!

  2. nasib Steve Harris tak minat liverpool....hehe..

    gua memang selalu kagum ngan koleksi lu...nanti wa turun Spore singgah rumah lu ar deaf...hehe..

  3. siot je naga
    THFC ko tak tahu helloween?
    berteromber, roger

  4. owhh baru aku paham THFC. gagagaga sengal sungguh aku terasa. :P :p
