Thursday, March 12, 2009

kenangan keith wilfort cakap "sorry!" kat aku dah nak 20 tahun dahulu kot

Korang mesti ada kad atau surat waktu dulu2 budak2 atau remaja yang korang masih simpan buat kenangan.
- Surat dari secret admirer ke, surat pen-pal ke, kad raya dari artis ke.

Aku selongkar barang2 lama aku yang aku belum buang, aku jumpa balik ni, terselit dalam buku, kad pun memang kualiti baik dan tebal, jadi masih nampak baru.

Aku hantar surat cinta kat alamat Iron Maiden kat England, dan jugak mintak liriks semua lagu Maiden pasal tu jam ialah semua kaset je, so unless kaset cetak rompak Rockshot Indon, yang lain2 (termasuk ori emi ) tu takde liriks so aku nak tahu jugak muzik dorang lyrically. Subjek English pun tak bagus nak tangkap apa sebutan nye. Korang kasi budak2 darjah enam sekarang dengar Phantom Of The Opera dan tanya lirik dia Paul Dianno tengah nyanyi apa kebenda. Rasanye konpem fail.

Dapat reply, tapi kena "Sorry!". Tapi aku bangga pasal Iron Maiden official fanclub reply kat aku. Keith Wilfort beb, kalo tu jam, kaset SSOASS nama dia ada kat dalam. Bangga sangat hahaha.

Orang lain zaman tu sibuk, nak tulis surat kat sahabat pena ler, tulis surat kat URTV la, mama Juwie la, surat kat mata-air la. Aku lak sibuk tulis surat cinta kat Iron Maiden dan betapa dorang bermakna dalam hidup aku waktu happy maupun sedih, sepi dan hiba.
Pathetic sey kalo aku ingat2 balik tapi thats life and it makes me what I am.

Anyway untuk yang muda2 baca ni, zaman tu takde internet, komputer, henpon, pager dan semua modern technology yang kita take for granted skarang ni..
Dan aku sangat katak bawah tempurong tu jam.

Ni ler kad dari mata-air aku kecik2 dulu yang aku masih simpan lagik..

(click all to enlarge)

Keith Wilfort was the main person in running the Iron Maiden fan club from 1979 till about the late 1990s.
As seen from above, his photo appeared inside the Best Of The Beast vinyl book, and I think he did the original family tree then for the A Real Dead One release which was then updated for the BOTB release and then the Eddie's Archives.

This is his reply to me when I was young long long time ago. I was asking for lyric sheets as during that time , bootleg cassettes ( or even original ones ), do not have lyrics on the inlet.
My request was not granted ( understandably ) but its an honour back then to receive something from the fan club. All the way from England.

The card itself looks cool with Keith's signature, its as near as I can get to the band themselves. And its the most precious thing in the world for me then.
Although I have thrown away lots of Maiden stuffs ( I think I had lost that letter which was sent informing Bruce had left the band, I cant find it anywhere ), but luckily not this. A reminder of my past.


  1. aku pon dulu ambik bahagian tulis2 bagi kat search,wings & ella tp tak pernah balas. ntah tak sampai kot.

  2. tapi kaset zaman dulu mmg hampeh...nama je ori..cover sekeping...belakang kosong...beli cap apache lagi puas hati...hehe...

  3. uhuhu aku pulak dulu dpt kad raya dr KRU. masa tu sebok join fanclub. gagagga

    tp aku x penah pulak tulis surat kat band antarabangsa. beshnye engko bro. jeleslesles

  4. huhuuuhu...
    dasat tu (pada jaman tulah!!!)

  5. dalam ramai2 brader gua, lu adalah yg paling true die hard fan Iron Maiden beb... so, from now on, gua takkan jeles what-so-ever dgn apa jua rare stuff Maiden yg lu ada...

    sebaliknya gua akan support lu beb!!

    ..for those about to rock, we salute u..!!!
