Saturday, June 27, 2009

derek riggs punya Hallowed Be Thy Name Live dan the single itself

Aku rasa ada dari korang suka benda2 gini, so aku share kat sini. Tu hari pasal Aces High, ni lak aku ambik dari buku dia pasal artwork Hallowed Be Thy Name Live yang released 1993 dulu untuk jadi single dari album A Real Dead One.

( Click All Photos To ENLARGE )

Below are his words on the idea for the artwork,

but the best are the words ' some might argue that this particular Eddie looks a bit like Nicko, but... '
I never realise this until I read the book and previously never notice the similarity between Nicko and Eddie for this single.

Moving on to the single itself.
This is the most traumatic era for me as a Maiden fan. You cant bear to listen to this single and the accompanying album without realising that Bruce will never sing for Maiden again.
What a relief that he returned with Adrian in 1999 huhu.

CD Single tu beli kat Dada Records masa released. Tu jam harga $12 je kot.
Sapa sangka sekarang cd single ni ngan cd single Fear Of The Dark dah berpuluh2 kat ebay, tahu aku dulu gi Dada Records beli semua cd singles Maiden yang ada haha.

Wasted Years telah dijanickgerskan dan aku tak suka, TETAPI Wrathchild tu sesuai betul ler lepas dijanickgerkan.

Yang 7 inci Poster Bag edition tu, huhu...baru jugak..haha...aku make a bad choice dulu in deciding nak kumpul at least satu version 7 inches Maiden from any pressing per release as priority sebelum moving on to picture disk/cut-shaped disk etc, pasal rupanya 7 inch ni susah betul nak completekan...
Aku tak tahu cammana nak dapatkan Purgatory 7 inci. Siot betul.
Twilight Zone transparent 7 inci pun aku dah surrender hahaha.
Tapi you never know...huhu.
Sanctuary aku ada, tapi.. aku nye censored version. Apa boleh buat.

7 inch version packaging unfolded

Pemerhatian aku, even photos kat sini tunjukkan conflict between Bruce Dickinson and Steve Harris is really bad at that time.
As seen from the photos both of them were never side by side, and it was unsual to have neither as the one at the center.
Both are also reluctant to smile, in fact the photos really show the unhappiness well. That adds to the stress and sadness to me as a Maiden fan.

If you guys can get the bootleg of the TV broadcast of the 1993 Milan show in Italy ( I think there should be footages of it on youtube ), check it out.
It really shows the unhappiness on stage with Steve , Dave and Janick really doing their best and Bruce...well Bruce just seems to be out of place.
Luckily I got and watch the bootleg after the reunion or it will give me trauma seeing my favourite band disintegrate on stage huhu.

the other side

Sekarang nengok balik gambo2 gini, rasa lega sey haha.

ooo yang tshirt Bruce tu Catherine Wheel tu adik dia nye band tak salah aku


  1. Derek Riggs punya buku mahal gila sekarang. Nasib baik CD single tu aku ada. Vinyl lain tahun cari.

  2. buku dia ada lagi yang soft cover. harga tak ubah.
    cuma hard cover dah takde.

  3. huh, best koleksi lu bro..jeles haku.
    thanx 4 sharing...haha

  4. gua tanya beberapa koleksi coffee table books kat Badan Bookstore Angsana, diorang pelik... buat muka pelik...

    buku2 macam yg lu dah paparkan kat sini recently tu bro...

    diorang punya reaction macam gua baru turun dari Mars or something.

    damn it!

  5. Hahahha.
    Jangan la pegi Badan Cemerlang Angsana dok tanya buku coffeetable pasal muzik2 gini. Gerenti tak de, kalau kitab tu banyak la.
    Pegi la MPH dan kalau boleh minta dia org order. Kemungkinan boleh dapat En Eddie

  6. Badan Book Store.

    Ni kedai buku legend ni. Komtar dulu2.

  7. aku ada member, aku tanya,

    "kau layan iron maiden tak?"

    dia kata,

    "aku rasa tua la kalau layan iron maiden"

    aku pandang dia, gelak.

  8. eddie...badan cemerlang kat angsana dan komtar (dah tutup)tu memang tak jual buku2 camgini..tokey dia tu bapak sedara budak opis aku...aku pernah tanya...dia memang tak ambik order buku2 camgini...

    betul kata seorg pengkomen tu...kalau nak gi MPH CT Square..pas tu order..order online pun boleh...sediakan duit je la..

    btw deaf...thanks for sharing..kalau sendiri beli dan baca buku ni ntah bila2 ntah..

  9. ermm aku suka baca yg tulis kat buku tu..ermmm thanks dep

  10. ashraf

    maiden is not a trendy band huhu..

    tapi...I think worldwide, dorang nye fan base remaja makin ramai ler

  11. betul tu brodep,

    peminat remaja iron maiden memang makin ramai asraff,
    salah sorangnye saya, masih remaja sunti lagi hehehehe...
