Tuesday, June 9, 2009

spinal tap moment - tv aku meletup masa nengok flight666

smalam, aku ingat aku baru ada time nak menghayati Flight 666 (with fokus) sebelum gi keja kat rumah Spore,
tiba2 baru 10 minit nengok bahagian movie dia, BOOM!! tv punye dalam meletup. Nasib baik screen semua ok ler.
Keluar asap hitam dan pungent smell semua dari belakang tv.
Spinal Tap moment sey. Flight 666 is too HOT!
ok la, tv 200+ ketul je, aku beli kedai bawah blok setahun lebih dah, kot apek kasi dah lama punye kot? tapi heran eh, tv zaman skarang pun boleh meletup keluar asap hitam cam zaman dulu2.

(click all photos to enlarge)

Lawak pun ada...memang nak jadi cerita..
With the accumulation of Flight 666 special edition dvd, 2cd and 2lp, seems like the closing of a full circle for me sejak tahun 2007 bila aku betul2 berazam nak nengok Maiden live pasal aku takut, aku takkan dapat tengok dorang dan aku akan teringat2 je 'bila nak nengok?, bila nak nengok?'.

Actually, aku was planning Bangalore, India for AMOLAD nye tour, ( and I think I express my sorrow of not able to make it at a posting on this same blog about two years back ) tapi aku tak sempat nak save up tu jam huhu.. and aku was like, there goes my only chance in life.

Aku pact ngan better half aku, aku cuba dapat tiket, kalau tiket dah dapat kat tangan, aku akan save up untuk pegi Australia, tiket kapalterbang dan lodging dan buat belanja jalan2 sikit.
She knows how much this means to me, so she goes along with my crazy idea.

Aku jugak ikrar huhu, kalau aku tak dapat kumpul sampai cukup masa, tiket2 konsert ni aku akan frame je sebagai kenangan tak menjadi. sigh.
Tapi tu ah, rezeki, we managed it for a trip of a lifetime especially untuk aku.
A simple trip, complete with instant noodles tapi hey...hidup mesti ukur baju badan sendiri and mesti damn proud of it walau kita tak macam orang lain.

Memang tak sangka, aku dapat pijak kat negeri omputeh, tapi tu la..
So untuk korang yang ada dreams macam aku, nothing is impossible. Nengok korang nye favourite bands ke, nengok favourite football teams korang kat homeground team tu ke, dan apa pun,
Dreams - Van Halen, a very motivating and inspirational song huhu.

Sampai sana, aku siap carik internet, kot2 menang Heaven Can Wait nye contest, boleh kita ho-ho-ho atas stage, tapi tak menang lak haha.
So tu ler, one of the most incredible nights of my life. Tak tahu apa perasan tu jam, nak nangis pun ada huhu.
Paling aku happy, aku tak tahu setlist pasal tu cuma 2nd date tour, dan sangkaan aku betul untuk encore, moonchild, clairvoyant dan hbtn.
I was so happy I guess most of the setlist and the encores right.

Review nanti ah...Aku try to photograph every single item and pages jadi sapa belum tengok atau nak consider dulu sebelum beli boleh cek it out kat multiply pages aku...

Dulu, aku tengok complete tourdates 1980 to 1995 gitu kat buku Best Of The Beast, aku was like, sigh, beratus or ribu dates dan aku satu pun takde haha..
tapi not anymore.


  1. dah kluo ker bro flight 666 tu?

    kena cari ni...huh

  2. So baby dry your eyes
    "Save all the tears you've cried
    Oh, that's what dreams are made of
    Oh baby, we belong in a world that must be strong
    Oh, that's what dreams are made of

    And in the end on dreams we will depend
    'Cause that's what love is made of "
    - Dream Van Halen

    gua dream on....


    sampai meletop TV tu dah ekstrim. Tanda nak kena beli plasma TV la tu bro!

  4. gila dasat! sampai meletup-letup tv ko deaf!

    congrats on making your dream come true...

  5. Syabas...

    Tabik nekad & bravery pegi Perth gamble gitu...

    Golden dream come true.

  6. Meletop TV?...tak pe, beli TV lain...hehehe

  7. selalu cermin tingkap pecah kalau bukak hi-fi kuat-kuat. ini tv berasap. perghh.

  8. tu maknanya lu kena kualat 666 tu! hehehe

  9. Hehehe..

    Lu punya review walaupun sikit bisa buat orang lain jeles jer..

    Lu memang TRUE!

  10. huhu..

    ajie kat kedai dah keluar dah, ni sampai ada tempat sold out


    smua should be EU pressing ler. lp tu is british pasal ada stiker cam siot tu block piramid tu


    next motivational trip..2013 huhu..aku berangan je la

  11. tapi aku cam suspek mungkin apek tu kasi kat aku display set kot?

    takpelah lain kali aku tak mau beli kat kedai apek bawah blok lagi...

  12. heheheh

    lucu eh sampai tv meletup segala...very the spinal tap ...

    rasanya letupan tu kira encore/closing untuk semua effort and kenangan bro Dep for this tour....

    Life's a piece of shit,
    When you look at it.
    Life's a laugh and death's a joke it's true.
    You'll see it's all a show.
    Keep 'em laughing as you go.
    Just remember that the last laugh is on you.

    Always look on the bright side of life.
    [siul siul siul siul]
    Always look on the right side of life.
    [siul siul siul siul]

  13. hehehe... nak puas ati biar LCD, dgn rangkai2 sound macam2... tapi takpe, have it your way!

  14. Bro. Sifu akan buat konsert di Stadium Negara KL 25 Julai 09. Info ada kat blog :)
