Sunday, September 27, 2009

official programme dan preview majalah2 untuk Donington 1988

1988, rasa ada dari korang belum dilahirkan pun, ada belum masuk sekolah makan, belum masuk sekolah menengah, tapi aku dah tu semua huhu.

(click all photos to enlarge or go to my multiply for page by page photo

Kalo aku boleh naik kereta Back To The Future tu, satu event aku nak pergi ialah Donington Park Sabtu 20 August untuk Monsters Of Rock 1988 join in 107,000 orang peminat British.
Bayangkan, satu konsert dari tengahari sampai malam,
1) opener - Helloween line-up zaman Keepers Of The Seven Keys
itu je dah ribut kan?
2) Lepas tu Guns & Roses dan tu jam dorang masih unknown ler jugak cuma ada Appetite For Destruction aje, dan tu jam kat Amerika dorang masih opener untuk Maiden. Lawak lak.
3) Lepas tu Megadeth zaman So Far So Good..

4) Lepas tu David Lee Roth, dan aku sikit sikit fetish ngan Skyscraper zaman tu huhu, dan untuk trivia seekers, errr ni kaset yang 'persamaan' intro Wings Bujang Senang. Huhuhuhu.
5) Lepas tu KISS - siak weih.. Ni aku fetish ni zaman commercial pop rock dorang Crazy Crazy Nights dan lepas tu dorang keluar Hot In The Shade yang aku pun fetish dan ni tahun 2009, preview satu lagu je, Modern Day Delilah buat aku nak agak nak beli triple cd dorang latest nanti haha..

Every band ni by itself, kalo konsert aku rasa semua orang nak pergi, ..tapi dorang smua lima ni kira warm-up untuk Iron Maiden waktu malam.
Best kan? 5 of the bands aku suka, dan semua main dari siang dan penutup ialah band..
6) yang aku sukaest sekali, Iron Maiden main 2 jam ngan setlist SSOASS nye tour.
Tu ler aku teruja ngan ni event..

On the magazines and programmes includes advertisements of the days gone by.
Pompuan kaler kuning tu ngah dengar Walkman ke pe.

So ni post, aku share ngan dia punye previews programme dan magazines.. dan smua aku sumbat kat multiply aku sapa nak nengok gi nengok.

Kalo korang minat bootlegs, try carik Bon Jovi Donington 87 pasal encore Bruce Dickinson ngan Dee Snider Twisted Sister join in dan ni ler Bruce dah cakap 88 Maiden nak headline.
So Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son tu nye tour, satu2nye British Date ialah ni event, dan kalo korang ada singles2 Maiden tahun 1988 kan ada logo kecik tu kat sampul2 singles tu, dan kat event ni yang Bruce cakap ada Christmas Present iaitu suprise ler, December dorang nak buat full British Tour, dan ni ler yang korang smua dapat video tape Maiden England, dan secara rasmi, Maiden England masih takde dvd lagik, so kalo korang smua beli Maiden England pirate, tu either transfer laser disc atau vhs.

Nanti next post aku taruk dia punye reviews event ni nye magazines lak.

These are the Donington preview issues of Kerrang, Raw and Maniaxe magazines.

The snapshots of previous years Donington crowd is very nice.

It may sound pathetic that being a Maiden fan for 26 years now and I had only seen them once. Its not my fault that I am born in the wrong continent.
Anyway, one event of theirs that really attracts me is their headlining show for Donington 1988 with the best ever lineup of supporting and guests acts.
So these are snapshot of photos and contents of a few magazines of the previews ( and the reviews coming up next time ) and of course the official programme for Donington Monsters Of Rock 1988 and not forgetting the bloody ticket.

Kiss having warm up shows prior to this event

GNR stuffs

David Lee Roth and Steve Vai stuffs

Megadeth stuffs

KAI HANSEN beb...KAI HANSEN. Kuno kan majalah2 gini

I hope these photos will be useful for those who havent seen the programme or magazines related to the previews ( and reviews ) of this historic event and also for those who may want to get one for themselves.

My multiply page at: have the full page by page photos of the programme, with additional photos from Kerrang, Maniaxe and Raw magazines that is devoted to the preview of this event.


The kerrang is the issue with the Maiden photo as a 6 men band with their keyboards player the count who is also Steve Harris bass technician.


  1. SSOASS tu best gila... entah bila laaaaaa nak keluar official DVDnya... ada rumours ke?

  2. dep
    kalau 1988 aku dah laher tu
    kira kira dalam form four tu dep...
    bila duk hostel aku slalu dengor dia urg dok nyanyi lagu Iron maiden nih
    memang kira famous gak...nostalgia tol!!

    **ha ha dep
    kasi dengor ROCK IRON maiden ka?
    ada brani??/ Callo......(hehhehehe)

  3. mana punya word 'sukaest' daa...!

    kira nak bilang yg lu paling suka ah, melampau suka...


    hahaha... 1988 gua nak exam SRP(LCE).

  4. erk!

    ko kalo wat n3 mende2 camni, blur laa aku nak komen.. ehehehe!


    aku ngan eddie sebaya.. hahah!

  5. aku hengat lagi..

    memula dulu ngan eddie... aku bahasakan diri aku akak..

    rupenyerrr.. sebaya.. :P

  6. beb...88 adalah the best day of my life...gua form 5..nak ambik spm..tgh zaman tak ingat dunia..tu jam tengah giler nak jadi rockstar..jamming hampir tiap2 minggu..banyak betul kan kaset2 best release tahun tu..

    pergh..cepat giler masa berlalu..

  7. haha..88 gua muda lg bro (baru darjah 5..huhuhu) tp masa tu abg2 gua dah dedahkan gua ngan mende2 ni semua. SSOASS antara fav album selepas SWIT.


  9. kerrang!rare mag tuh!gua ade saatu!hihi....
