Sunday, April 25, 2010

review buku heavy metal photo book vol.8

(click all photos to enlarge)
buku yang diterbit di Jepun tahun 1984 untuk pasaran Jepun waktu tu, setebal about 90-100 mukasurat, smua foto2 kumpulan Maiden dari line-up circa 1980-1983. ( Dennis Stratton pun ada la sikit2 ).
zaman dorang smua muda muda belaka
Semua m/s gambo2 kecuali berapa muka surat akhir tulisan pasal Maiden dalam bahasa Jepun.
Nak nengok lebih fotos gi multiply page aku.

antara gambo aku paling suka nengok ni la masa Dave kat stesen ketapi..

Dave Murray ni.. senyum je..

kalo Steve Harris pilih jadi pro-footballer kat West Ham United macammana eh?
kalo Maiden tak wujud?

This book is released in 1984 but the photos are so vibrant and colourful.

The Killers line up in Japan , cam lawak pun ada...clive burr je sorang white belt haha.

apa ntah ni

an unusual photo of H I've never seen before

zaman 80s best woo ada accessories cam Bruce pakai gini...
That strip is the obi for this book.

seluar H rock abis

thru the years, there are a number of nice photos of Dave playing with his teeth.
I like the one snapped during the FOTD tour which appears on one of the fan-club mag from 92/93...

kat tangan Dave ada apa tu..

A short review of this rare 1984 released of over 90 pages Japanese photo book called Heavy Metal Photo Book Vol.8 which features Iron Maiden from 1980 to 1983,
ending with the final date of the Piece Of Mind World Tour.
Nice never seen before shots that I guess even longtime fans had never seen before.
This book is rare, it do appear on Ebay once in a while, and not much proper review of this book appears in the internet if at all.

I hope this post will help you guys who are searching for details of this book and also for those who have found this book for sale or trade, but still thinking.

I think this is a very valuable and necessary book to add to any Maiden's fans collection.

these I believed are the photographers who contribute to this japanese book..

More photos from this book, click here -


  1. ..kat Ipoh la ni tak leh jumpa Metal Hammer,Metal Edge atau Kerrang..semua pasal isu Black Metal yang diwarwarkan dulu..mamak kedai buku dah tak berani nak jual..tapi majalah 'amoi'Hong Kong berani lak jual terang2..

  2. buku ni dah lebih 20 tahun usia first edition ke bro?

    tapi gambar2 masih lawa berkilat lagi....

  3. beb...kekadang aku rasa nyesal jugak la...dulu aku ada Tour Book No Prayer For The Dying abang member aku bawak balik dari UK kasi kat aku...tapi tu jam mana la aku tau nilai benda ni semua...letak sepah2 dan tak tau ntah mana hilangnya dah...sayang betul...

  4. ade tek wando btl2 ke diorg ni?

  5. Bukan nak komen pasal Iron Maiden. Tapi tertarik gila ngan gambarnya. Hoh.

  6. perggghhhh....cayalah...harta karun ni....\m/ \m/

  7. Nice!! satu koleksi yg menarik...
    Aku suka bab gambo2 ni..

  8. benda ni xkacau kod html dlm setting bro...benda ni letak kat gadget je..yg pasal ko ckp tu klu kacau html kot dlm klu prob kang ko leh delete je box tu...dia xkacau page..dun wori bro..konfem jd...hehehe...

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