Saturday, May 15, 2010

dp - 12/05/10 live singapore indoor stadium

Sandwiched between the two Double Trouble events is a Deep Purple one.
In about a month, triple treat at 3 different locations, states, 2 countries.

( kawan kerja dan kawan spore aku berapa orang cam teringin nak gi DT nye show kat larkin... rasa ramai kot orang s'pore nak gi nengok jb nye event.)

ok, priorities in life kena settle dulu, time management penting, kejar bas, kejar mrt, budget, kena ikat perut here and there and this includes not buying the S$40 DP tour tshirt although the behind looks nice, but you cant complained about these entertaining shows coming one after another right?

Anyway a mumble jumble review of Deep Purple live in Singapore Indoor Stadium, Hari Rabu 12 May 2010. Sorry la kalo korang tak paham, aku type merapu2 je..

Kali keempat aku nengok Deep Purple.
Dah boleh agak tiga benda akan terjadi.
- 1) kebanyakkan lagu yang mesti dimainkan adalah soundtrack kehidupan aku dari zaman sekolah sampai dah tua ni..
- 2) aku akan have a good time, relaks2, tshirt jeans and selipar, santai abis..

thanks kat kawan kerja aku belikan aku tiket awal2 , so walaupun tiket peasant seats, tapi aku rasa not that bad la...tak la belakang sangat dan tinggi sangat..

cuma ni kali dorang buat kat s'pore indoor stadium, tapi bagusnye, sound best lak malam ni, I really like the quality of my bootleg recording.

I was unsure of the respond to the Singapore show, as seeing DP will also be performing in Malaysia albeit in Genting not KL.
But they skip Indonesia so maybe many indons came over.
Other than that, lots of Ang Mohs in the crowd and also many Indian Expats.
Dan again aku cakap, India is a rocking country, dorang welcome Iron Maiden with open arms, Maiden outsold Beatles in India. Kita melayu, rock sana rock sini , tapi Double Trouble pun takde orang sponsor.

Of course not forgetting in the crowd - makcik makcik bertudung dan jugak pakcik pakcik old timer.. anyway balik kat stadium mrt, ada makcik tanya aku ngan kawan aku, apsal ramai orang ni? kita cakap la Deep Purple, dia jawab " ooo ni band zaman cik dulu2 ".

tapi aku nengok office style dressed men and ladies pun ramai kot balik kerja gitu, dp dah break the barrier la aku rasa, ramai orang enjoy their music.

Setlist, lots of extended instrumentals and jams. Lebih 100 minit ni show.

Highway Star
Things I Never Said
Strange Kind of Woman
Maybe I'm A Leo
Rapture of the Deep
Contact Lost
Sometimes I feel like screaming
Well Dressed Guitar
No One Came
Rasa Sayang
Perfect Strangers
Space Trucking
Smoke on the Water

Black Night

highlights untuk aku

of course Highway Star, Fireball.. lagu2 lama, maybe i'm a leo, happy giler siak ni lagu, tak lupa space trucking, perfect strangers
sometimes i feel like screaming - cam biasa aku smile the biggest and widest time lagu ni, still the best la.
contact lost - dah tua tua ni, sedih lak dengar instrumental ni, and Steve Morse memang best time lagu ni, extended version haha.. dulu aku rasa ni waste of time, skarang aku realise life is fragile...anytime pung...
No One Came, tak salah aku ada a nice light show...

Encore, seret abis la...walau ni malam takde speed king, ( takde wasted sunset etc ), tapi alrite la, kalo ikut pilihan aku, mesti aku nak lagu Knocking at your back door jugak huhu... ye la, skarang kat mahkamah pun aku baca sokkabar tengah hangat satu kes tu kan sampai mandi ke tak smua kena tanya.

overall a very good entertaing show, as usual kalo nengok dp, dorang memang pro abis kalo entertain audience.

p.s Aku ngah imejin Metallica main kat Indoor Stadium ni....dua malam gitu ngan stage dorang kat tengah gitu.. with all the api menjulang2 gitu.. huhu

anyway, realistik punye budget la, peluang paling best untuk Metallica fans nak nengok Metallica dah terbuka, Metallica Perth dua malam 22/23/10 ni..
(aku tak mampu nak pegi, tapi...kalo korang pegi, make sure grab both nites tikets)
realistik kalo korang impikan tengok ni band ngan budget very limited, pasal tempat lain air tikets killer pe.
dah tu, metallica tiap2 malam tukar2 setlist, dan kalo main sama tempat mesti lagik rojak.
ah...perth...Metallica dua malam beb Burswood Dome, kalo budget airline plus plus backpacking...hmmmnnn...anyway tiket jual for public 13hb dah start Metallica Australia
giler babi ah aku nengok dates dorang asyik tambah je... rasa semua sold out..
jepun belum announce, so south east asia ada chance...

tapi satu benda aku kena buat kalo aku gi...aku kena pinjam sapa ada cd death magnetic pasal aku tak pernah dengar lagik, tak pun utube je la.


  1. Aku lalu Genting masa balik kerja di Pahang. Ada iklan Deep Purple buat show kat Genting. Tak perasan bila...pasal tengok billbord sambil drive, jalan pun banyak koner...bahaya...

  2. fuh..puas tgk konsert live....tensi2 pasal keje boleh ilang....rajin tul bro sampai ke singapore pi jejak hah....den gak tak penah2 sampai singapore...sedare belambak kat sano hah huhuhu!!

  3. gua cuma layan dvd come hell or high water sebagai pengubat hati...

    tapi sayang eh takda Wasted Sunset...dengar kat venue lain DP ada main ini lagu

  4. ..gua tengok Gillan Band kat Stadium Negara tak ingat 81 ke 82..masa tu gitarist dia Jenick Gers..masa sound check..kami kat luar dah tegak bulu roma..he hee..

  5. dulu masa kenduri kawen kat kampung gua, joget lambak tengah malam layan deep purple. gile belubang dan berabuk laman!
