Saturday, June 26, 2010

dvd - san antonio texas 12 Jun 10 short review (edited 8.10am)

out of topik kejap - Best quote dari Bruce so far this tour -
"There are rock n roll fans, and there are music fans,.. then.. there are the Iron Maiden fans "
lagik satu, something like this
" if there is anything that unites the world is either you're an Iron Maiden fan, or you're not an Iron Maiden fan".

raja lawak abis

For Maiden fans and heavy rock bootleg collectors,
quick review
of the FIRST dvd of the current Iron Maiden Final Frontier US Tour.

click to enlarge

1) original size is 7.33gb, so unless shrunked ( which i had forgetten how to do ), you need a multi layer dvdr.
2) Taper was up high level , first two songs was filmed direct on stage, after that he switched to the huge screens, which makes it like a pro-shot with Maiden's multi camera angles changes on the huge screen.
3) Tak bleh accept ada opener Dream Theater lagik, this taper is a HERO!!!!

Dorang risk their lives siot, kalo sapa pernah nengok fan dvd Megadeth Pensylvania tahun bila ntah, lawak siot, tiba2 tengok dvd dia, ada part kamera masuk bawah kerusi gitu haha, rupanya security guard lalu hahaha. Kelakar abis. Tapi thats the fun I think.

These images are taken from my Laptop. 7.33gb jadi a bit better la video and audio dia haha.


H backing vocal haha.

Aku kelam kabut dah nak gi keja ni, tapi sempat tengok jugak..
1) Paschendale banyak klose up dekat giler, si pundi tu suka la tu hahaha...
2) TROBB, aku makin realise, this song is so amazing la... klose up Dave best, live dengar lagu ni aku nak nangis siak hehe, aku suka giler starting dia...oo kalo la dapat pegi tengok konsert dorang ni tour haha.
TROBB... ye la, lagu lain smua best, tapi definitely best lagu ni, ngan FTGGOG ngan Longest Day, ngan these colours dont run gan BTATS pun..
siak ah AMOLAD memang magik la... So aku tak tahu cammana FF nanti