Sunday, June 13, 2010

lights out in London

click all photos to enlarge Sambil tunggu nak sokong USA lanyak Ingerland, update dan tampal sini jugak better half aku nye London backpaking fotos, tengok gambo2 ni, aku pun betul2 nak backpack gi sana. cita2 aku, maybe sampai ke tak, yang penting hidup mesti ada cita2 kan? tapi aku nye angan2, the iteanery will be very simple - At least Two Maiden indoor shows in their own homeland ( 2xlondon, or 1xlondon + 1xManchester ) - Stadium Of The Biggest Football Club In The Biggest City In Europe. ( nope its not Chelski or team jews tu huhu, though I have a soft spot for the original Up The Irons London team, of course, being a Maiden fan haha ). yo-yo oh je kan aku? tapi, aku nye biggest dream la ni dua, in terms of hiburan duniawi. tu hari pun seems Jetstar nak start sg-melbourne + auckland. So its just a choice nak naik kat kl or sg je kalo budget2 ni, tengok mana ada. Dengan budget airlines, satu benda yang impossible dulu2 untuk blue collar workers - travelling , backpacking tengok2 negri orang, atau tengok Maiden, atau tengok Arsenal, bukan lagi boleh dicakap impossible. Bukan lagi angan2 mat jenin, tapi kena la usaha pandai2 simpan sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit. But never forget Priorities in Life, especially food, well being, shelter, clothes, education, transport etc of your love ones and religious obligations such as zakat. Enough of that, t this is london.(click all photos to enlarge) right time right place photo cam gini kot From the backstreets there's a rumblin' Smell of anarchy No more nice times, black boy shoe shines Pie in the sky dreams Lights out, lights out in London Hold tight 'til the end Better now you know we'll never Wait 'til tomorrow mendung je gitu buat aku ingat cerita 28 days later / 28 weeks later ni bawah aku jeles rabak nye, stonehedge sey. sebagai peminat humour Obelix and Asterix - geng giler , biol dan otak mereng ni yang antara buat aku minat membaca masa sekolah dulu, aku tertarik masa nengok gambo ni.. a roman bath (teringat kat - ooo at least I can go and have a bath... its that time of the year anyway - nicko mcbrain, one of the funniest little joke kat listen with nicko series ). Where's Wally. Korang ingat Mr Bean sabo mamat guard ni haha.. kena projek rabak2 sey. oh oh oh I feel something coming.. feel like a riot in a dungeon lawa2 sey medieval buildings dorang. ni lak kuda ngah pusing tu wheel.. Maiden moments mesti la ada... Brave New World artwork haha Churchill's Speech... We Shall Go On To The End...We Shall Fight In France, We Shall Fight On The Seas And Oceans, We Shall Fight With Great Confidence and Growing Strength In The Air, We Shall Defend our Island, Whatever The Cost May Be bla bla bla bla bla bla We Shall Never Surrender!!.... Ewah!!! madame tussaud, einstein. Brighter Than A Thousand Sun dan what a joke, macam siol kan Maiden, apsal dorang swap ni ngan wrathchild kat Houston smalam? ( seken nite of tour ). Selenger Bacin ah Maiden. E=MC squared you can relate, How we made God With our hands this is so unik song for Maiden tau. ok bola nak start, more pics nengok kat flickr..


  1. usya flickr plak ah!!

    tu ltu beb!hidup mst ade cite2!


    up the iron!

  2. Usa tak belasah England...tapi kasi gol malu untuk England. hehehehe!!! ok la tu..

  3. tepuk dahi gua bila gol Dempsey boleh terlepas tgn Green...

    yup, bila la nak ada sen lebih pegi Stamford Bridge... paiseh!!

  4. maiden live at old trafford...amacam?...boleh tak?...hehehe..

  5. takut nak mandi kat roman bath tu..(leh ke mandi)
    tp yg plg ptg..tingin g liverpool..yeahhhh....

  6. ..tu gambar paling atas..masa kecik wa banyak simpan patung Pak Guard tuh..pakaian nya unik sungguh..teringat balik masa ni anak wa pulak rajin kumpul memacam patung mainan..
