Thursday, June 3, 2010

paris tu tempat berlakunya murders in the rue morgue

i found my better half's backpacking trip was a success and very interesting indeed. So I thought I just share some of the photos with you guys... ye la, sapa tahu lain kali aku ke korang ke sampai tempat ni sambil tengok Maiden ke hehe. ni apa ni, museum or something,...aku suka foto ni..anyway she used a S90 for this trip. (click all photos to enlarge) ni bawah ni better half aku cakap ni semua ni Louvre.. besar giler beb, seminggu pun jalan kat museum ni tak abis. aku memang suka museum2 ni semua actually.. sini yang ada monalisa aku cakap tu hari tu.. ni pengsi ni..nun jauh di mata..all the way.. ni yang kat wayang Interview With Vampire kot yang Tom Cruise ngan nenek bawak anjing tu tak salah aku.. ni tak salah Notredome ( sorry aku tak tahu eja ) yang cerita Hunchback Of Notredome, aku suka cerita ni masa aku kecik2 dulu something familiar.. effiel tower ( sorry aku tak tahu eja ), Eddie dah gigit dah benda ni.. yang atas ni aku suka angle dia besar gedabak benda ni.. kejap kejap...tak sah kalo takde Maiden moment at least satu kan? anyway, korang kalo dengar bootlegs Maiden kat France, biar betik Bruce bebual French , terror la dektu..., korang dengar yang bootleg NPFTD tour tu, paul ricard nye show, dia intro Nicko,' de charlie chaplin ', tu je aku paham.. kat official album pun ada kot, ARLO intro lagu Wasting Love dia merapek merhaban ntah apa kebenda cakap French. Murders In the Rue Morgue Running from the GENDARMES Murders In the Rue Morgue Running from the arms of the law Ooohh Gendarmes tu polis kat Peranchis.. siot je eh ingat balik time aku kecik2 dulu2. selenger. aku suka jalan2 dia...dah tu, standard, neat je.. pengsi kan kereta jalan kat tempat gini.. ni pun lawa ni, Eddie naik kereta tank kat sini kan yang satu tshirt tu... lagik.. lawa sampai kat siling.. last kopek , more pics kat flickr aku...kejap ni aku upload, wah..aku rajin dah buat album flickr sekarang kalo aku ada peluang internet...haha. walaupun background Moulin Rouge , huhu....tapi tetap... I remember it was plain as day although it happened in the dark of the night. I was strolling through the streets of Paris and it was cold it was starting to rain. And then I heard a piercing scream and I rushed to the scene of the crime what I found were the butchered remains of two girls layin' side by side. There's some people coming down the street at last someone heard my call I can't understand why they're pointing at me I never done nothing at all. But I got some blood on my hands because everybody's shouting at me I can't speak French so I couldn't explain and like a fool I started running away. Pathetic rabak kan bila ayam cakap ngan itik..


  1. Lourve..Calice..Da Vinci Code..Bloodline..

    Patut suruh bini lu amik gambar Line of Roses kat area Lourve tu. Baru terasa feel Tom Hanks sket..hahaha

  2. aku perancis ni teringat Eric Cantona ajer...heheh..

  3. Berteromber..
    Ceh..nak ingat yang legend je..
    Si botak Barthez tu tak ingat pulak? hahahah

  4. excited giler aku tgk pic2 ni..lawa siot..tmbah2 pic cam piramid tu..klu aku duk situ mst aku meremang je terbayang citer da vinci code..konon2 ada maryam kat bwh tu...bini ko yg g ke?apsal ko x ikut skali?ha'ah la..apsal x amik pic line of roses skali..lg gempaq..

  5. pergh...bile laa dpt gi pareh (longat perak)....tgk gambar pun jadik laaa huhuhuhu

    btw, nice view bro!

  6. Aku kalau pasal France ni ingat Zizou Tanduk pemain Italy tu...apa ke namanya...tak ingat le yg piramid tu kan dalam cerita Da Vinci Code kan???

  7. dep...I love Paris (hehehe) tapi tak dapek nak pergi lah dalam masa terdekat ni (ahak) Parit ader lar kat perak tu
    aduhai effel tower tu...nice shoot, dep. amat menarek.....pandai bini shot moment ni no
