Tuesday, June 22, 2010

tunggu bang dan new bootlegs start to come in...

ngah tunggu bang

nanti senang aku upload la lagi gambo2 merapu setengah-masak aku yang syok sendiri ni haha. Yang penting ada mesej. pheewit.


sambil tunggu tunggu new album, sambil tunggu 2011 tour dates ,
some audio bootlegs ( and a dvdr ) dah keluar dari USA dates.

For Maiden fans yang interested, these are the links... Masa korang gi kerja dalam bas dalam train, boleh dengar huhu. Orang lain muka stress berhimpit2, kita muka berseri2 haha.

Sapa tak suka dengar fans bootlegs, buat bodoh sua.

Iron Maiden
AT&T Center
San Antonio, TX

sila cek out ni tiga link ye...


These are the cd cover designs kalo korang nak print out..

lagi satu ialah

Iron Maiden
Cricket Pavillion
Phoenix, AZ

ni ialah links dia.



first impressions..

Aku terus klik 12/06/10 Paschenunusualdale, aku tahu ni cuma bootleg peminat, tapi sometimes it gives a clearer impression of the response tau, aku nak dengar cammmana audience nye reaction. Pasal this is Amerika, lain sikit taste dorang.

Alrite je respon...u can feel the paschenexcitementdale, So I think setlist yang focus on last 3 studio albums was spot-on la, cuma of course I would have prefer Wildest Dream ngan Wratchild out out out!!!, maybe Montseguer hahahaha, kalo nak lagu zaman jahiliah yang very the pop hit, short and sweet, I think Killers or Prowler would be a better choice. tapi terima je la.

Korang kena dengar Bruce cakap pasal England USA draw satu sama.

Dia sua buat kelakar dia cakap Robert Green tu lepaskan bola pasal nak dapatkan Green Card. Ketawa sey audience, pasal dorang get the joke pe.
Green Card. Muaahaha.

kalo compare 12hb ngan 17hb, Paschendale & Dance Of Death swap...

aku ngah tunggu first night proper bootleg recording pasal aku nak lagu BTATS yang telah digantikan ngan selengernye ngan lagu Wrathchild. Ye la Wrathchild gerek, tapi I want to hear how BTATS sounds this tour and the crowd response.

Anyway, seems aku baca kat porum Maiden, this is the best stage ever la ni tour, with the lighting shows the best ever. How I wish man, heehe, tapi takpe, usaha tangga kejayaan. Jia-yu 2011 backpacking with budget airline to anywhere possible to catch Maiden huhu.

ooo the big four....still waiting for a complete proper bootlegs of all the four bands from one show. I think Bulgaria 22/6 is broadcast worldwide kan?
maknanya soundboard audio bootleg and dvdr konpem ada la nanti.

Anyway, Blood Brothers dedicated to Ronnie James Dio ialah Concord nye show, so ni satu lagi bootleg aku nak dengar, seems reports cakap ni part best.


  1. peminat sejati n kipas susah mati iron maiden tul la ko..hehe...nice..pic atas tu best...^_^

  2. aku kurang skit pasal bootlegs ni...so aku buat bodo sua...hahaha..

    tapi teruja betul tengok gambo dari Big Four dorang share satu stage at the same time...tengok Hetfield dan Mustaine playing together side by side...mak aii...

    ni kalau ada bootlegs aku nak dengor...

  3. up!up!the pakcik kordi!eh bukan2!...

    up up the iron!

    gmbor pakcik kt ats tu mcm byk mkna....hmm/.//

  4. aloha my pren,
    aku suka gambar atas tu.. pudu jail dah roboh..ko ada petik gambor tak?
