Saturday, October 2, 2010

krabi ( pt 3) - ao nang beach , katak magik

sambungan.. Ao Nang Beach where we stay is about 30-40 mins trip from the Krabi Airport. A central location for leisure and to sort out your daily outdoor activities ( click all photos to enlarge ) I like this photo la. A passenger about to board a small boat at dusk with strong tides. going to the open sea.. WESTWARD THE TIDE!! (hehe.) Ao Nang Beach ni kira tempat holiday paling strategik dan popular, dari sini korang boleh plan macam2 aktiviti. Tapi, pendapat aku Pantai Ao Nang ni bukan untuk swimming ke enjoy2 pasal ada tempat lain2 kawasan krabi ni lagi best, jadi tu korang gi aktiviti naik speedboat/longboat pegi pulau2 lain cam aku cerita Phi Phi Islands. Cantik tempat Ao Nang ni, laid back, banyak hotel dan lodging ikut budget korang, complete la kira, smua ada, tukar duit, massage2 urut2, pampering, nite spot - walau nampak macam tak havoc tapi tetap ada.., pagi2 kat Ao Nang Beach lepas subuh korang pegi, banyak botol kat tangga2 menuju pantai. Kita gi low season tourism, so kira kosong jugak la. Ada jugak aktiviti gi tengok muay thai ( martial art thailand ), ada gi live-shooting, panjat gunung, semestinye macam2 aktiviti laut dan jalan2 kat pulau2 cantik kat krabi, dan macam2 la.. Lepas subuh matahari terbit pun aku gi pantai ni jugak, then aku nampak ni.. seriously aku tak tahu apa kumpulan ni buat tepi pantai cam gini, exercise kot atau buang tebiat? I think at the distance are a few of the beautiful islands with sandy beaches and clear sea that are part of the Phi Phi Islands/4 Islands/5 Islands/ Hong Islands trips. Ao Nang Beach area, sleepy early morning scenes ..You see the wires all over the place? At night, its fun, colourful and bright.. Mekdi ada, nampak? tapi.. susah la, jual burger daging 'be alif be ye'. Ni nanti aku ceta kat bahagian makanan hehe. As you can see from the above photo One thing amusing is the amount of overhead electrical / communication wires. When you walk in the early morning when the streets are empty, you can hear the 'bzzttt bzzttt' sounds coming from these masses of wires hanging/dangling above you. mesjid macam nak kat siap aje dekat ngan pantai Ao Nang ni... so korang lain kali datang maybe dah siap.. senang la korang. reban ayam dan ayam2 kat tempat naik gajah sebenarnye hehe.. ok ni lak cam aku cakap katak magik These are the fascinating yet irritating but lovable wooden crafted frogs sold by the Chiangmai Tribes Ladies who wear their colourful traditional clothes and headgears. The trick is you take the small stick provided and rub it against the scales at the back of the frogs. You should be getting some 'nature' frog-alike sound. I prefer the cuter sounds emitted from the small & medium sized frog but my better half prefer the 'brutal violent' froggy sound emitted from the largest one haha. Dulu2 gigit jari je la dengar orang dapat gi tempat2 cam gini.. tapi skarang, peluang ada cerah sikit with budget airlines... Kita naik Air Asia dari KL. Kalo korang yang dari Singapore, korang naik Tiger Airways. best.. nanti next aku buat last report dan most important... WE WANT FOOD!!


  1. Menarik la tempat ni. Katak tu pun. I hope someday I can go there.

  2. aku tengah plan nak pergi Indonesia atau Thailand.

    Your recommendation bro?

  3. takilala pergi la... air asia haha.

    mm, aku ni tak tahu sangat tapi aku suggest Bandung.

    Jakarta kelmarin baru FLORES ngan AMBON nye gangsters gangclash luar Mahkamah, sampai polis lari selamatkan diri. Dua mati lagik.
    Ni belum campur bendera lagik.

    why Bandung?
    -air asia direct daily and promotion prices selalu
    -great weather
    -safe from what I observe
    -halal food everywhere
    -CHEAP food and shopping
    -children will love Kawah Putih
    -travelling is not boring pasal kiri kanan cantk2 especially trip to kawah putih with all the strawberies saujana memandang
    =jangan lupa makan kat sawah on the way to or back from kawah putih
    dan banyak lagi attractions tapi tak pergi maybe next time
    =I heard the safari is just two hours away, no problem kalo ko keluar hotel pagi.
    -try gi 'kampung daun' dinner kat sana kat lereng2 gunung giler ko.

    MM, ni Bandung aku nye trip

  4. bestnyerrrrr!!harus smpai satu hari nanti =)

  5. aku suka gambo2 ko tu...berhajat jugak nak gi...nak tangkap gambo banyak2..

  6. cantekkkk!! gambar2 di pantai tu yg menarik perhatian lieya....tingat nelayan2 kat sini....

    tempat naik gajah tu pun betul suasana kampung mcm tu kan.....mmg boleh relaks laa kalo suasane mcm nieh....

  7. sorry wei..aku xbaca entry ko..aku just tgk gmbr2 yang ko tgkp sebab aku suka tgk gmbr2 yang ko tgkp sebab cantik sgt. huhuhuh... tgkp la lagi banyak2..aku nak tgk lagi... ye aku gile..aku tau.
