Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tak tahu nak pilih majalah yang cover mana satu - Review of Total Guitar December 2010

FIKIRAN beb tadi kat kedai. Macam lagu 'Kau yang membuat ku dalam Dilema!'
Ada EMPAT cover berlainan untuk majalah ni bulan December. A Really really fantastic tribute to the Three Amigos.
( to pay homage to their ever-lasting genius - total guitar mag )
Ni website Total Guitar cakap kat LONDON, cover yang Dave Murray memang paling susah nak carik.
Tapi tadi aku gi kedai, ada Janick Gers, ada Dave Murray, ada Three Amigos, tapi Adrian Smith nye takde.

Sebenarnye, pada aku Adrian Smith nye cover paling cun melecun. Aku tak terkejut kalo peminat2 Maiden dah gi kedai sebelum aku dan sambar H nye cover. Lagipun aku rasa kalo beli empat2 ni kira melampau ye tak haha.
Tapi for me the magazine covers are so cool. Aku tunggu nanti ada sale majalah2 tak laku kat book fair, ah..baru carik lain.

So guess which cover I bought just now huhu..
Ni meh tengok ni dulu bawah ni ngan the artikel itself pasal semua tengah carik cover Dave kat London.

Have you seen Dave?
Murray proves popular among London readers
Matthew Parker, Mon 8 Nov 2010, 4:17 pm UTC

TG208 – an Iron Maiden special featuring four collectors covers – went on sale just over a week ago (29 October) and we've since become aware of an apparent shortage of Dave Murray covers in some regions.

The magazine was distributed randomly across the country (we're not cruel or smart enough to create intentional shortages) and it appears that certain covers are more prevalent in certain areas of the UK.
Currently, it seems that of the four covers Dave Murray's is the most sought after and TG has had eye witness reports of what we've come to term 'Murray flurries' in London newsagents. In contrast, other areas are reporting a slimmer supply of Janick Gers and Adrian Smith issues.

Did you get a Murray issue through your door, become the victor in a Murray flurry or hide a copy for later behind 'Carp Fishing Monthly'? If you've seen Dave we want to know. Just get in touch via our Twitter or Facebook pages and send us a picture of yourself with your issue.
Alternatively, if you're after a copy of the Janick Gers, Adrian Smith or group shot issues, you might be able to trade (at your own risk) with readers in other locations via Facebook.

Read our 11-page Iron Maiden feature (including in-depth interviews with all three guitarists) and learn the best riffs from 'The Final Frontier' in Total Guitar issue 208 (on sale 29 October to 25 November)


ok korang dapat sekeping video cd... ada lagus dari final frontier.

2011 Calendar is very nice... In sort of a A4 sized booklet form.

This is the front cover that I decided on.

Ah this is the 3 other covers featuring H, Dave and Janick seperately.

This is some of the content....

I enjoy reading them all although most of the time I dont understand what they are talking haha.

Dave cakap pasal lagu2 lama skarang dah ada 3 gitaris...
Janick cakap pasal not going on stage and act like an idiot, in fact dia before naik stage dia cakap dia memang plan dia nak stand and not do anything... tapi..tapi..haha
Adrian cakap pasal whistling Steve Harris will make a good B-side one day..

Janick berkobar2 cakap haha.

aku excited tau bila majalah ni keluar dan memang pengsi pun.


  1. aku request ko buat kamus bahasa2 pasar yang ko guna dalam blog ni la deaf. sampai naik sakit kepala nak paham apa maksud ayat2 ko ni..huhuhu

    pengsi tu pebende?

  2. aku dapat baca free kat kedai pun jadi la... jb yg rajin nengok/dengo tv/radio spore je paham...hahaha..

  3. total gitar memang jahat pasal buat hardcore maiden jadi tak keruan dan jiwa kacau pasal cover kuaran december diorang. heh!
