Sunday, January 30, 2011

my introduction to X-Japan was a cheap Taiwan release boxset more than 10 years ago, and all the studio albums are in there.

Aku gi kedai aku nampak boxset beberapa artis yang dorang repackaged, lepas tu semua album tu letak dalam kotak, paper sleeved mini-lp style, contoh cam RageOfTheMachine ada lima album sumbat kat boxset, harga dalam S$40 tak salah aku. Bruce Springsteen 8 cd, pun mini-lp style, cantik2 boxset. Sony tak salah ni smua. Puas hati kan kalo minat? Terutama untuk sapa yang nak build up koleksi ori.
Tapi aku tak minat la. Saje je ceta. So meh aku cerita cammana aku suka kat X-Japan tu yang aku belum start koleksi, lagi stress paham2 je la cd2 band Jepun punyelah sakit hati nak carik, kalo jumpa pun harga memang lagi mahal selalunye, tapi ni terus jumpa boxset murah, dan ni smua sebelum zaman Ebay, skarang ebay banyak Korea/Taiwan pressings....semua studio album ada kat dalam...
ni cerita dah lama dah pun, lebih sepuluh tahun lepas beli.. tapi skarang baru nak review lepas aku nampak Sony Columbia Epic nye artists boxsets mini-lp gitu..memang untung la untuk yang minat.

I first heard about X-Japan a dozen years ago thru some strong recommendations at some European discussion forums. A reader was asking everyone to give Silent Jealousy a listen. Those were the glorious days of AudioGalaxy, and I was hooked. I start to listen more and it gets frustrating because you cannot find X-Japan cds easily. Then I went to Tower Records at Bukit Bintang and saw this boxset. Its original, but since I cant afford Japanese pressings, a cheap Taiwan press will do.

So you have Vanishing Vision which is their sort of an Indie small label released, with Unfinished of course, and early Kurenai or something, I'm typing this from memory so I dont really check the details.
Maybe next time I will do a review.

You have Blue Blood , which I had already reviewed the Remastered Version which I think you can find the link at the bottom of this post under the labels section.
Which of course have the finished Unfinished.

Jealousy, the 29mins song Art Of Life and Dahlia.. Maybe one day got time, can talk about all these cds.

The packagings with the lyrics booklets are good enough for me, so sometimes hunting down Taiwan or Korean pressings of Japanese rock bands that we like is good enough especially if the Japanese pressings are so expensive.

Now, if only I can find a cheap but original complete OUTRAGE collection...
Still cant afford to get their new live double cd yet, now they have this double dvd coming out..
Yes, its all in Japanese, but... I think the 2nd dvd is a full show of the Rise and Shine cds.


  1. setuju...memang susah dan mahal giler nak dapat cd X-Japan ni...aku cuma ada Jealousy...

    Ko ada Outrage eh?..kasi review pun susah giler nak cari..

  2. hi dep
    koleksi yang hang dok simpan ni letak dalam rak ke?
    kasi lah shoot sealmari dua. mesti banyak koleksi hang ni no
