Sunday, March 27, 2011

model air force one

Mainan baru :-) photos of "1/200 scale model - approx. 24cm in length. Made from high quality ABS plastic. Self assembly from 6 parts - no glueing required. Exact replica of the Boeing 757-200 'Ed Force One' that the band are using on the Final Frontier World Tour 2011. Exclusively available from the Official Iron Maiden Shop. Does not include 1/200 scale Captain Bruce!" A nice souvenir to have, especially if you see them on the dates reflected on the side of the plane. You can actually see the names of the locations.. Thats what I like about this. For me its Singapore, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane.

the packaging is similar to last time plane.

I have more patience this time, and not so rough...

A few years back I got the SBIT plane which has Perth on it. So these are both of them together on the current tour programme.

sesi takde kerja carik kerja..


  1. nnti klu ada action figure iron maiden for sure beli jugak kan? :)


    kalau Aerosmith punya fan club: AEROFORCE ONE . HEHE

  3. kat ebay ada org jual SBIT plane tu USD190...tu tak masuk postage lagi tu...pergh...berapa rega asal dia deaf?...

  4. ijau
    aku cuma ada satu je Eddie figurine gitu, yang POM nye. Kawan aku beri aku sebagai hadiah.
    Beli? aku tak agak la nak beli figurines dorang kecuali murah.

    kadang2 kena tengok apa specific dorang jual pasal yang ada yang unauthorised buatan tangan peminat pun ada, lagi besar lagi cantik.
    Ada satu filipina jual Ed Force One ukiran kayu pun ada jugak.
    tu yang buat mahal.

    Tapi kalo ada yang gullible bayar mahal2 kat sesuatu boleh dapat murah kat tempat lain pun ada jugak.
    aku beli dalam 20 pound kot total.

  5. Yeah...aku punya dah sampai...suspen wo tunggu kut-kut tak sampai, guna alamat opis lak tu. Kira benda saje-saje yg mahal la aku beli... Rm145++ tu...Ok la ada tulih cinonet singapore kenangan konsert Pen A. Cukup la Maiden racun aku...10 tahun lagi bole la jual balik EFO ni kut?

  6. I want one T_T ... kat mana ye ko simpan brg2 ni suma...mesti ada bilik yang BESAR!

  7. all over the place..
    tapi models kapalterbang ni aku taruk kat hall hehe

  8. lamaaaaaaaaa tak singgah blog ni :)
