Friday, April 1, 2011

dvd Lovehunters live at the Esplanade

Review and photo spread of the Lovehunters Live DVD recorded on 1st January 2011 at the Esplanade Concert Hall. I was there my report is somewhere here -

On my experience attending this show, I did mentioned that this gig could be the best show I am fortunate to be present for 2011 even though I am seeing my favourite band Iron Maiden four times on the current tour. I still say that this Lovehunters show is as good and amazing as any of the four Iron Maiden gigs I attended this year. Lovehunters were just as electric and their entertainment momentum never miss a beat for the 3 hours plus they were on stage.

The great surprise is this dvd content includes all the stage banter/Mat Kental Buah story/Grand Funk/Led Zep covers in it, so we have about 2hr 45 mins of content, I really like the sound of this dvd and satisfied with the packaging and picture quality. Love the camera on the drummer. This after usually being dissaptointed by some other Singapore/Malaysia rock n roll bands who come out with poor quality dvds. That is why usually I will do my own personal taping of local rock concerts I attend in Spore/KL/JB for my own listening pleasure and memories of the event because I know even if there is an official release, I tend to be dissapointed with the content and quality.

A great buy this DVD. Strongly recommended. I got it at Muzika for $21. Because I bought an extra copy. UNFORTUNATELY - The three songs featuring Ramli Sarip - Demi Cinta/Bayang-Bayang/Blues Untuk Rakyat is not included, must be some sort of music label issues. What a waste. Anyway, I had uploaded these three songs audio performances of that night from my own humble personal recording in youtube. But please do not make this an excuse not to get this dvd ok? Next, eagerly waiting for the Sweet Charity dvd of their 40th anniversary show at the same place.

Ulasan cakap Melayu pulak - BELI BEB!!!!! Malay Rock N Roll at its best..tak payah berbual banyak2...Aku tengok kat Muzika banyak lagi...

Anyway, ni yang tiga lagu Ramli Sarip perform tu takde dalam...just in case korang nak dengar audio dia.. Selain tu lain semua ada bukak baju semua ada haha....

bayang bayang -

blues untuk rakyat -

demi cinta -

Last kopek, dalam packaging dvd ni ada dua kopun, satu kopun gi Party World KTV, dan jugak lagi satu kopun donut free kat kedai donut kat Yokoso. Yokoso siak!! So kalo korang yang kat Malaysia, kasi members korang yang kat Singapore la kopun2 ni haha.


  1. abang deppppp,

    nak kirim satuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. portdy ko ada no hp aku kan?
    sms address please

  3. Ko dah hantar aku punya ke deaf?

    Kalau belum, ko amik la kopun tu..hehehe

  4. dah, beli terus pos.
    tapi pos biasa je, takde apa2 extra.
    aku nak tengok berapa hari boleh sampai.

  5. aku tunggu dia masuk Malaysia jer la...

    harap2 ada...

  6. Tks bro for the update...wa da lama tunggu....bsok jgk wa beli

  7. nak jugak tp cemana nak dapat kan dvd ni..takkan ler nak turun s'pore semata2 nak beli ni jer kot.Takder agen ke yg tlg jualkan...?
