Tuesday, April 19, 2011

For Japan

Aku memang nak buat post pasal ni tapi kebetulan smalam kot baru keluar video rakaman antara paling dahsyat masa tsunami kat Jepun, dia punye audio suara2 orang2 yang dekat ngan perakam video ni yang memang pilu sangat dengar.
Aku yang tengok video ni pun fikir, eh orang2 yang kat blakang tu selamat ke? apsal makcik tu siap bawak beg lagik masa lari kena kejar tsunami?
South Sanriku -- Tsunami seen from Shizugawa High School

So kat sokkabar Malaysia memang masih ada iklan pandu puteri nye tabung amal untuk mangsa2 di Jepun ni,

kat Singapura lak, aku gi sembahyang jumaat berapa minggu lepas, semua masjid seluruh pulau Singapore kumpul dari jemaah semayang jemaat derma khas untuk mangsa di Jepun.
Plus lain2 la, budak2 madrasah kat Sengkang buat poster untuk ambasador Jepun la, kat F1 Sepang pun ada jugak donation drive, SLeague main bola siap Hidetoshi Nakata turun main dan wasted aku tak follow up nak pergi tengok.

Tapi entah eh pada aku ada yang opportunist, contoh macam apa yang terjadi kat Iron Maiden punye event tshirt untuk 2 shows yang kena kensel pasal tragedi tu hari , ""yang Maiden nye kapalterbang nak landing Tokyo airport lagi sepuluh minit terus terjadi gempa bumi tu dan dorang last minit masa mula buat pendaratan dapat arahan dan kena terbang tinggi balik dan pergi Nagoya airport "" yang jual online ( takde dates untuk bezakan tshirt jual kat tempat lokasi untuk sapa yang betul2 hadir ngan jualan online satu dunia untuk peminat yang nak design tshirt tu), Maiden dah announce setiap penjualan tshirt ni keuntungan pergi kat Red Cross Japan.

Tapi pasal ramai peminat panik, padahal Maiden FC aku rasa dah cetakan keempat design tshirt ni, sampai skarang tshirt ni ada lagi kalo nak beli pasal memang untuk bantu rakyat Jepun yang dalam kesusahan, dan jugak ada yang ambik kesempatan beli lebih masa mula jual dulu, jadi kat ebay boleh la nampak harga tshirt ni melambung2 sampai tu hari dah double price dah peminat2 beli, padahal kalo tunggu FC online bawak stok baru dah ok.

Tapi ni masing2 nye pemikiran kan...

Skarang ni, kalo korang perasan, cetekan event tshirt untuk Tokyo show ( yang ada dates!! untuk sapa yang pergi tu show ), mesti ada somewhere out there kat storeroom atau gudang somewhere in Tokyo. Maiden belum announce lagi apa nak buat ngan tshirt2 ( yang ada dates! ) yang berlambak2 ni.

Aku nak tengok bila diumumkan penjualan ( dan tentu untuk Japan Red Cross jugak la kan ) ngan harga lebih mahal pasal rarity nye, mesti ada orang dapatkan lebih, lepas tu masuk ebay jual harga giler babi, cam baru lepas semalam kelmarin Florida/Tampa shows, event tshirt abis dalam 20 minit kedai merchandise bukak, orang kat depan dah beli banyak2...lepas tu kat ebay harga ada dah sampai nak jual beratus2 dah...

lagi skali aku cakap la - tapi ni masing2 nye pemikiran kan

So another disturbing, distressing, horrible video to appear in youtube regarding the Japanese Tsunami which Ed Force One missed the prior earthquake at Tokyo during their arrival by about 10mins.
South Sanriku -- Tsunami seen from Shizugawa High School
People running for their lives and not sure whether everyone in this video made it.

The online Event Tshirt for Japan ( with no dates for those not at the show but want the design ), is I think doing a lot of sales with I think being sold out for at least 3 times when immediately put on sale, and now I think reprinted again and still available with all proceed to Japanese Red Cross.
I read stories of Maiden fans who even bought sizes that are not theirs just because they are afraid the tshirt is out of stock for good and they just want to support the charity drive and also to have a remembrance of this event. Good For Them.

I thought of going for the charity football match in the local Singapore football league which features Hidetoshi Nakata but cannot make it.

Anyway its very warm feeling to read up daily Malaysian newspapers with ads from the Girl Guides asking donations for the Japanese tragedy, even during the F1 Sepang previous week there were donation drives,

while in Singapore, there was a week when the Friday Prayers congregation in all mosques in Singapore support a special donation for the Japanese people.

So now lets see, what happens to the REAL event tshirt for the Japanese shows ( with the dates!! for the people who are actually there ), which must now be lying in Tokyo somewhere.
I think if the price is maybe reasonable I would also get one as a sign to support the Japanese Red Cross but I doubt so as I think the price will be expensive and even much more so when some hits ebay.