Thursday, April 28, 2011

rumours that makes my heart flutters

Aku dah baca gossip ni dah berapa minggu tau...tapi makin cantik lak gossip2 ni

mula2 there is an Iron Maiden- Next History Tour in 2012 as everyone is expecting the Maiden England dvd to be out then.
Ni ok la pasal memang logik tapi aku was ingat like end of 2012 gitu...
tapi mula2 desas desus is Dubai opening show April 2012, so aku was thinking KL , Bangkok and Mumbai is probability..

tapi ni aku baca ni...latest rumours its April May 2012 - USA/Canada, followed by European Festivals, followed by Japan, New Zealand.

Logik kot, pasal USA/Canada missed out full 2011 tour, Summer European Festival standard Maiden buat lots of $$$$$, Asia lak - Japan earthquake and tsunami so confirm Maiden nak pergi sana untuk do some shows, Mumbai and Dubai completely missed out 2011 tour, Singapore and Jakarta aku tak rasa promoters berani nak gamble so definitely its Bangkok and KL turn, and of course New Zealand, ni dah serupa trend sejak 2008, 2009..masa dorang dah start pakai Ed Force One.

So, kalo ikut rumours ni...Asia will be after August 2012.....

so, all unnecessary rock n roll activities is freezed-framed... self-discipline time. I just got to give it a try.. one more time. Local show ( spore or kl ) tickets for everyone, and another show just for me ( maybe Mumbai as its the cheapest ).