Wednesday, June 22, 2011

last days KTM in Singapore (pt 1) - their point and signalling method

(click all photos to enlarge)

Dont follow my ignorant way because - walking on unprotected railway tracks is very dangerous as just a bit of carelessness or misjudgement of train speed will result in instant death. I assume the period I stroll on the tracks is where there is no activity at all and we all know 'assuming' makes an ass out of people sometimes. But I did say hello to the staff on duty before going to track anyway.

Tinggal berapa hari lagi KTM beroperasi kat Singapura, so saje suka2 aku tangkap foto buat kenangan, sebelum ni semua cuma jadi lebaran sejarah, termasuk snap photos sistem throwing point dari jauh dan signalling Keretapi Tanah Melayu ( Malaysian Railway ) cara dekat. Mungkin ada berminat dan nak ambik tahu. Mungkin yang pernah kerja atau sedang kerja berkaitan apa jenis pun sistem keretapi, dan jugak sapa yang minat tentang keretapi.

Dan kalo korang ingat katun Lat kat buku mana yang ada Minachi tu cuba selamatkan hero dia yang kaki kena perangkap waktu point machine tukar point dan tersepitkan kaki dia, dah tu Railway Staff last minit buang point jadi keretapi tak langgar si hero tu tapi keretapi tu derail. Korang tahu kan mana satu haha..

Mintak maaf aku tak tahu sebutan 'point throwing','normal and reverse','signalling' dalam sebutan Melayu atau BM. Tapi aku tengok semua labelling cakap Inggeris je cam 'shunt' tu semua. Tapi tak kesah la cakap omputeh ke cakap melayu janji paham sua.

At Bukit Timah Railway Station, the rail tracks split from one track to three. From what I see, the 3rd one is not used anymore and I think this is the one that had the KTM train derailment last year. The center one and nearest to platform is used so one train can give way to the other coming from the opposite direction, as other than that, its just a single track system towards Johor and also towards Tanjong Pagar. I think KTM labelled them as Main, Loop and Siding.

The Signalling Room at Bukit Timah KTM Station, with the levers for remote switching of point machines..

The Signalling Diagram for Bukit Timah KTM Station which is also in English and seems the approved date for the Signalling Diagram is quite many many years ago in 1968.

So the KTM staff by throwing the specific lever, will result in the points switching as per the requirement for the points at the vicinity of Bukit Timah Station to ensure the trains are on the correct track.

I think the photos will give a clearer picture. Hope you guys who read this who work in railway related job, or had worked before, or are train and railway fans, or trainspotters or anyone, will find this interesting.

I hope to upload all photos into deafeningforever.blogspot but I think I had forgotten the email and password to access my other blog haha. The same old story.

Much more to come...when I'm free to play internet and upload photos ok.


  1. filem2 tamil/hindi slalu ada cliche kaki tesepit kat rail-interchange

    filem last aku tgk ada cliche ni filem sivaji the boss :)

  2. cool place to do dark ritual ni.keh3

  3. kalau keretapi anak aku suka Chuggington...

    aku pulak jiwang karat bila nengok stesen keretapi...mesti terngiang2 Heartbreak Station - Cinderella...hahaha...

    "She took the last train out of my heart..."

  4. tuari ada tgk kat tv..sedih siot.. ni patut kena bat dokumentari ni. suka nengok railway sebab terasa mcm balik zaman dulu2

  5. tak ada barang lama ke kat situ, atau sesuatu obkek yang dapat disimpan? he he he

  6. aku membesar dgn ketapi. masa kecik2 dulu kampung aku xde jlnraya. smua guna ketapi. gambar2 ni penuh kenangan & berharga.

  7. tinggal kenangan

    crazy train - ozzy
    night train - g n'r
    heartbreak station - cinderella
