Wednesday, September 7, 2011

graphic books of all kind

101 Rekreasi Hati.
which features a bit of of Iron Maiden :-)

Masa beli aku dah agak buku ni yang mengcombinekan hadith dan lukisan humour berunsur positif mesti best.
Tapi aku tak sangka memang best abis.
Banyak la aku boleh belajar dari buku ni, so aku sokong kalo buku ni untuk seluruh peringkat umur.

Kulit buku depan dan belakang..dan sikit contoh...macam biasa klik untuk kasi besar sikit.

Also, Walking Dead has now reach vol 14 for the compilation book.
I have to start reserving on the internet to read them, there is low chance of you easily finding the volumes you want lying around in the national libraries no matter which branch you go.
So if you have money, you can buy all these but if dont, The Library is the way to go.
Anyway, I find Walking Dead keeps getting more and more depressed..

And anyway, I have not seen the tv series yet at all. Pathetic giler kan?

These are the current graphic stories I just finished reading or am reading...

The Benjamin Button graphic novel version is very simple and entertaining, and a bit sad.
The Muhammad Ali versus Superman graphic story is simply superb.
Done in the 70s. It tells the story of some super powerful villian alien dictator, who accuses human and the planet Earth of being warlike, and thus could bring problems to all the planets in the universe, so before he destroys Earth, and seems Superman cant even stop his attacks, they decide on Earth sending a Champion Warrior - a boxing representative, to fight the alien's champion.
So before that Muhammad Ali must fight Superman in boxing to choose the Earth's Warrior. Superman superhuman power was to be neutralise so he can fight Muhammad Ali on even terms...BEST GILER!!.

Currently now I am reading a compilation of the Marvel comics called NAM.
It depicts realistically what happen to US Soldiers during Vietnam War.
Seems when its first realised on comics, the timeline is similar to real life then. Read the Incoming text to understand what I say.
Its so good, that when it first come out in 1986, it beats the movie Platoon, as the best description of what the US Soidiers go thru during that war.

I dont have any pics, but right now I am so obsessed with Captain America compilations. Not the ones he tag team with the avengers or any other group efforts,
but Captain America alone durin his early days and up to his current days after his rescue from the frozen waters. The Communist era witchhunt storyline is very nice.


  1. Salam,
    This yellow book... cutenya.
    i like cartoonist Nik dgn "Tandoori Payat dan Ali & Davidson" in Ujang.

    "Org yg bermesyuarat ialah org yg amanah" <--- 1st time aku come accross.

    Sempoi, Santai, Satire...

  2. tak bedek buku ni memang best.
    jenis ko beli then ko taruk kat ruang tamu untuk sesiapun boleh baca.

    Ooo Tandori Payat tu memang klassik giler. Kalari Payat dia memang kelakar brutal abis. Tu jam tahun2 1994 gitu kan.. tu jam ada kawan aku suka pinjam majalah Ujang aku beli, hanya untuk baca segmen ni je.

  3. kompilasi KISS KOMPENDIUM pun aku tak abis baca dan rasanya memang tak kan abis baca kot huhuhu....tebal sangat umpama kalau jatuh atas ibu jari kaki comfirm kecaguan.

  4. tak mau baca?
    kasi aku dah la...
    thanks in advance haha.

  5. memang best best buku ko bro, yang gue suke yang no:1 kerana pengertiannya dan berilustrasi serta M.Ali vs Superman..., cantik tajuknya tuu!

  6. sampai hari ni gua blum dapat beli buku yang dilukis sahabat gua ni. dah tengok isinya. mesti beli!

    huh! banyak komik tahap rare tu bro. muhammad ali vs superman. memang rare!
