Saturday, September 24, 2011

upcoming books sharing a similar rocking theme

hi korang, amacam?
Besides the upcoming John McMurtie's On Board Flight 666 photo book, these are some other books that catch my eye, for the good or bad points.

Frstly, a book written by a crew member of two of my favourite ever bands, who was in both bands for a total of 30 YEARS. So his book on his experience with both Deep Purple and RAINBOW will I think be one of the best ever. Especially with all the explosives inside stories and backstage stuffs between all the ever-changing band members, his experience with the bands when they play live especially in the 70s and everyhing else that happens to both bands that I am interested to know.
Especially now I am waiting for David Coverdale's Ular Putih to come and I got the ticketssss.. ssss.. ssssss.. ( snake hissing sound ).

Check out the write up for the release
Colin devoted over thirty years of his life to these great rock musicians. This is his story and indeed theirs. A tale of excess in terms of greed, petulance, anger and devotion. It is counter balanced by extremes of pure talent, showmanship and, of course musicianship. He was the constant ‘man in the middle’ through all of the break ups, make-ups and revolving door line-up changes. Joining them at twenty-four years old and leaving thirty years later, he was there every step of their rock ‘n’ roll way. A story of two of the most innovative, often copied, rock bands; seen through the eyes, ears and emotions of their ‘mother hen’ (as Jon Lord described him). He was their minder, chauffeur, carer, provider, protector, father confessor & confidant. In truth he is the only one who can tell this tale of both bands as he was the only one there on the road throughout the life of, not one, but both gigantic bands.

Hart endured a roller coaster ride, working for Purple, during the band’s most successful period. He was there when the casino burnt down in Montreux, and witnessed Smoke On The Water being born; the legendary concerts in Japan; the break-up of the Gillan / Glover line-up; the auditions that saw David Coverdale join the band, and the California Jam performance in front of 400,000.

When Ritchie Blackmore left Deep Purple in early 1975 and formed Rainbow, Colin went with him and continued as Rainbow’s tour manager through the ever-revolving line-ups. He was invariably the man who had to break the news to many of the hopefuls that auditioned for the band: “We’ll get back to you” being the stock reply!

In 1984 when Blackmore disbanded Rainbow for the Deep Purple reunion, Colin naturally resumed his role with these rock giants as they embarked on a world tour that included the hugely successful 1985 US leg - the second biggest grossing US tour that year after Bruce Springsteen. A déjà vu situation occurred as Colin was in the middle of yet more band break-ups as first, Gillan departed, Turner joined, Gillan returned and Blackmore departed, while Steve Morse emerged to take the band into the new millennium, although for Colin his thirty years on the road with two of the biggest bands in rock history came to an end in 2001.

And the deluxe edition... really makes me crazy!! I think I am going head over heels for this specific book.
check out here -

Next, there is this photo book called Murder In The Front Row , 272 pages of full color early days of Thrash metal bands at San Francisco. Big 4 and all the rest.
ok.. breath in breath out...breath in breath out.. haha.
But... D.E.S.T.R.U.C.T.I.O.N will not be in this book rite? Unless the book is called Murder In Ze Front Row , haha. So if you cant have their photos in this book, you can snap photos of them yourselves next month whehn they're on stage.
Contemplating.....contemplating... I dont sound like a person who will be out of job soon do I ? ooo the priorities of life, but its ok to treat yourself once in a while.

Aha, speaking of this book, I just remember the nice friendly lady at the Yishun branch of the National Library telling me the Library welcomes recommendations on any kind of books to bring in. Aha...I hope to recommend this book, although that latest Ross Halfin Metallica book is still not in the Library online catalog yet.

Next, something that I will expect high standard on, something that will be great, since I had already got the first book on Steve Harris ( you guys know how much I like this book on my blog post sometimes back ). So now Stipe ( Maidencroatia ) will be coming out with his second one on Adrian Smith called Stranger In A Strange Land, which is of course a Maiden song written completely by H himself. I dont know the people who will be sharing their stories about H for this book, but it will be nice.
No arguments about it but H returns play a big part in what Maiden had become now, being bigger than ever before. And if Steve Harris will only just allow H to take complete charge of a Maiden studio album, it will be the most delightful thing ever. will never happen hahaa. But, maybe it will?
This book will be out on H birthday next Feb. So I think I can KIV for the time being.

Lastly, there is this new book called The Ultimate Illutrated History by Neil Daniels. I think, I got a feeling this book is those that compiled photos and infos we have seen and read and just repackaged nicely by a person.
So I think..... I WILL SKIP THIS BOOK. I may change my mind but for now, I am not interested. Anyway its not out till much later.

At first, looking at the title illustrated, and with a Derek Riggs artwork cover, I thought its going to be something great, but then seeing Neil Daniels, and my heart says,... NEXT PLEASE. haha. But maybe can get a copy if I can afford it of course, but I doubt it, there are a number of Maiden related books that I am not interested already out in the market already.

Till then happy reading whatever you enjoy reading.


  1. Salam,

    Aku betul-betul dah lupa pasal Rainbow tu... seb bek leh recall, time study dulu layan la... yg "One day in the year of the fox.. "

  2. tengok kat link ingatkan M.Nasir tadi! ha ha ha ha!.
    Syabas Bro!

  3. dah tak lama dah tu nak mengular dengan Ular Putih.. ;)

  4. hajat kat hati nak beli buku...tapi bila terkenangkan yang 3,4 keping lagi sejak tahun lepas pun belum tercuit....kansel arr...
