Saturday, October 15, 2011

handphone camera, point & shoot camera, dslr camera, kamera cap itik, doesnt matter. This is so inspiring to anyone who had ever snap a photo.

I am extremely excited. I want to share with you all this youtube that just came out.
Just check it out to hear how John McMurtrie talk about from preparing his cameras up to the end editing process and finally authoring a spectacular hardcover photo book. 135,000 photos he had and he had to choose from them for this book.
As long as you guys love taking photos.. fuck care what type of device you use, from the most cheapest cameras to the most expensive cameras..
its all about passion.

John McMurtrie talks about On Board Flight 666

And above is an interesting 7 minutes of one of the best photographers in the world talking about his work, and I say one of the best because hey Maiden wont use any kucing kurap cameraman to follow them across the world for two seperate tours Somewhere Back In Time 2008 and Final Frontier 2011.

Anyway, though officially announced as 20th October, seems those in UK who ordered thru WHSmith already got their copy and seems its all positive.
I called up KINOKUNIYA, and they cant promise how fast the book is going to arrived. Elehhh kalo buku photo Metallica laju je sampai. Kejap.. aku cakap word paling Metallica skarang ni - "LULU". haha.
So what am I going to do!!!
Amazon UK is a solution. Damn!!! I hate all these hassle and unforseen problems ordering online.

I hope there will be photos from
Perth 2008, Singapore 2011, Melbourne Hisense 2011, Sydney Ent Ctr 2011, Brisbane Soundwave 2011. HAH!

And since this fellow already talk about the temperature in Singapore so confirmed at least one place.

Ni John Tak Sedar Diri McMati punye version lak haha.

p.s Mr Adrian Smith sir, can you donate one of your guitar to me please?


  1. hi abg IRON....
    lama ku x singgah sini
    x dek photo makanan dah dep?
    hehehhe shoot aaaa sikit2
    nanti entry baru jgn lupa na

  2. John Tak Sedar Diri McMati punye version pun ok aper...heheh...
    patut Maiden kena terbitkan buku gambo dari fan pulak...baru la yang jenis2 John Tak Sedar Diri McMati pun dapat can...

  3. kekadang,
    aku jeles jugak tengok ko bro,
    byk perkara yg ko buat tu, aku pun minat tapi tak berkesempatan.
    aku salute ko bebas buat apa yg ko minat tapi masih ada pendirian diri.
    apa2pun, inilah nama rezeki dan bahagian masing2 :)
    syukur alhamdulillah...

  4. Menarik Bro, menarik! terima kasih kerana berkongsi.

  5. dasar jantan tak tau malu! uuu..uuu... tapi kalo beliau murah hati nak hadiah dua bijik gitar, bagi gua sebijik ya bro... gua nak gibson tu. heh!
