Wednesday, November 9, 2011

book review - ON BOARD FLIGHT 666 ( the first half about SBIT Tour ).

Sepeminat-sepeminat Iron Maiden sekian, ( Fellow Maiden fans )

this photo book called On Board Flight 666 with photos and stories by official Maiden photographer John McMurtrie was out in UK on 20 Oct.
I pre-ordered in advance using Amazon UK and I got an attractive discount rate of 14.47pounds, and add shipping of 8.78pounds and I choose the basic Royal Mail. ( yang lain harga terkopak siak ).
I received the book on 27 Oct. I got a feeling Amazon UK posted my book before the official release which is great but to reach me this fast using basic postage is happiness to me.
So unless you Maiden freaks got money to spend, there is no need to choose the so much more expensive 'faster' shipping choice.
On the box, is indicated the weight as 1.75 kilogram. Berat siol.
Hardcover and Huge and about more than 250 pages of about 600 superfantasticmegaawesome photos printed on really quality paper.

So if you guys are waiting for this book to arrive at your local Kinokuniyas or kedai mamak, I dont know whats the cost. If you order online, do take note of the price I paid for the book itself and see if you can get an even better deal because on the book inside flap it list the book price as 25 pounds.

and I like this photo of Japan 2008 of Adrian Smith saluting the crowd and the other photos of this page very much.

I know one way or another you Maiden freaks will try to get this book, so if you want to remain feeling surprised, dont read this post.

Basically the book, is divided into two super segments.

Highlights from
Somewhere Back In Time World Tour 2008-2009
Final Frontier World Tour 2010-2011

with foreward by Iron Maiden singer and the plane pilot itself Bruce Dickinson ( and its a bloody long few pages and fully informative and sometimes technical aspects about everything regarding the Ed Force One which is very deep but interesting )

and also an introduction from the official photographer and author of the book John McMurtrie.

These are some of the pages... So you guys got many different places of both on stage and off- stage photos.
i was here

and many other places are documented worldwide... the twickenham stadium is nice from the stage view.. and lots more, here are some of them..

also the "same day, but different timing" shots means we get to see Maiden members off stage and on stage. We see contrast photos of them jalan-jalan, reading or tying their shoes and the next photo is of the on stage at that same day.
I hope you get what I mean la.

a very tiny portion of the photos we have seen before, in fan club magazines etc, but very little only. Most of those in the book is never seen before.
this photo is very nice...

And on some cases, there are notes or stories that give a clear detail of whats the photos about or the situation behind it.
The serious problems in preparing the shows are very intriguing.

or even airport permit problems that wont allow Ed Force One to take off.

the 'national geographic' stuffs are very nice too...

especially the amazon river segment... I never seen photos or read info about the particular section of amazon river mentioned in this book before.

I wish there were more Dave Murray, in my opinion, Dave has seems like the least photos of him, but when he did appear, his photos in action are very nice..

The Japan Tsunami report of the situation inside Ed Force One and after landing and cancellation of the shows is sad but at same time it allows us fans to get a feel of whats its really like due to the photographer is with them to document it.

This will be on my next review..

So go out and buy it and make Iron Maiden members even the more richer, but fans will be satisfied to flip the book and ogle them haha.

Cannot resist to take photo like this.

to be continued becos the book is damn a lot to talk about la.


  1. mesti lg mahal drp dvd f666 ltd version kan?

    klu total cost masih dlm rm150-200 (dan senang nak dpt) mmg aku akan beli!

  2. walaupun aku ni bukan collector maiden tapi buku ni cukup buat aku dengki.... ada rezeki aku beli!!!!

  3. untung la ko exchange rate $S tinggi...kalau RM dah jadi mahal...

  4. berbaloi la eak dgn harga dia..buku tu pun tengok siap 2 halaman warna penuh..

    p.s: errr..nmpak cantek la model flight tuh..

  5. bang bole tolong fotostat kan x?hehe

  6. dekat kinokuniya klcc RM129.90

  7. buku mcm ni x payah artikel pun xpe..sbb gambar yg ada dlm tu pun dh bg jln cerita

  8. perlu ada artikel beb,
    kalo tak contoh cam technical problems tu semua kita takkan tahu. Dan tentu ada peminat nak belajar pasal masalah2 band2 besar gini.

  9. j4yz6m39





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