Sunday, November 13, 2011

cats in the morning..

I will forever cannot remember how to differentiate different cats. Cheetahs, Leopards - these two especially, besides that Jaguars, Pumas, panthers etc etc etc.. but love them all..

First time managed to get a few angry fierce snarls from a leopard, so am quite happy haha. marahhhh sey dekni...

cam aku cakap tak bleh beza la terutama cheetah ngan leopard. Memang aku fail

cheetahs.. fast and furious siak...giler babi nye laju aku tengok dalam rencana national geographic.


The other cats, sorry they are not being photogenic and hide far have to catch them other day

but this cats is around only I dont know how to take photos of these lions properly.
I wish one day I can borrow someone or anyone who have a 'dlsr camera' and use to take photos at the zoo.


  1. cara nak beza cheetah ni ada corpse paint warna itam bwh mata seolah2 sdg "menangis"

  2. corpse paint bak kata ijau tu memang berguna kat cheetah. walaupun nampak mcm "menangis" tapi bila dia buka mulut (gaya nak terkam), corpse paint tu buat muka dia nampak lagi "garang"..

  3. wah! bergaya sungguh diorang nie! syok lepak lepak!

  4. fuhh korang memang terror mengecam cheetah,
    aku tiap2 kali fail.

  5. kalo gi zoo, tempat pak belang, mak singa sure aku dok tgk dari jauh...tak berani nak dok dekat walaupun dipisahkan dgn pagar tinggi melangit...takut kene kokak keh keh keh ....

    nice shoot bro!

  6. kolo tengok cheetah ngan leopard lebih kurang same jerk...
    dedulu teringin nak bela kucing hutan/batu.... tp bile tau bende tu salah terpakse lepaskan....
