Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Search 30 Years - Live In JB ( in process )

Continue from my previous post...and thanks to all the replies..and so informative some of you guys.

Doing this Just for fun, on the little spare time I have...but seriously...

I like the back cover , best I had ever done haha.

Hope I got time to settle these next few days...

By the time you guys read this, at least I have reached Serigala Segalanya..

Again just for fun, most important is to buy the official releases of the bands you love, and go to their concerts...



  1. cover belakang tu memang terbaik...Search patut tengok gambo ni jadikan official...heheh..

  2. hai sedare..sedare pakai henfon hape rekod sound ni? elok clear bunyiknya

  3. hi crabman

    aku gunakan recorder dari sony..
    bukan henpon.
